COMM 103 – Final Assessment Argumentation, Persuasion, and Critical Thinking Thi

COMM 103 – Final Assessment
Argumentation, Persuasion, and Critical Thinking
This assessment will be completed in short answers. Each answer will be one to several sentences. I expect full sentences with correct spelling and punctuation.
First and foremost, what is the full correct name of this course? (8 pts)
Name of course
Using what we have learned from our text, define the first word in the course name.
Using what we have learned from our text, define the second word in the course name.
In your own words, define the third part of the course name.
The next section of the assessment will be looking at the analysis of the controversy surrounding the Elgin Marbles. You will really need your book for this section (there is one chapter in the book that’s primary focus is the Elgin Marbles). If you never obtained a book, you could use the internet and “Google” the Elgin Marbles Controversy.
The goal of this class and the arguments we will examine in the assessment is to be able to create a Prima Facie Case. In your own words Define Prima Facie Case. (10 pts)
Does the name “Elgin Marbles” support the Advocate or the Opposition in this controversy/ why? (5 pts)
What would some argue to be a better name than “Elgin Marbles”/ why? (5 pts)
Write out propositions supporting the advocate (I will be grading you on key words and phrasing that make these propositions either fact, value, or policy). (15 pts)
Do you support the Advocates position or the Oppositions? (There is no right or wrong answer to this, just state your position. Go over the ground thoroughly because you will be discussing your position in later questions).                         “I support the _________ position in this controversy.”
What Grounds makes you want to support your position of advocate or opposition? What are the Grounds that are most compelling to you? List at minimum of three.
Analyze the propositions and the grounds. Determine and define six key terms that will help clarify the controversy. (There are many more than six).
How does the opposition use the Appeal to Tradition in their arguments?
In your own words, what primary inference (supporting your position of advocate or opposition) do you draw from the arguments presented?
Bonus Points (Extra Credit 10 pts)
Looking at the arguments presented; what are the universal truths / the intangibles that we all can relate to in the arguments presented by both the advocate and the opposition. Name one universal truth / intangible concept that each side of the controversy is using further their emotional appeal? I am NOT looking for an example of the actual “tangle” grounds, but you can use the tangible example in illustrating your intangible concept.
Advocate’s appeal to…
Opposition’s appeal to…