commercial aerospace industry

It looked as if 2006 would be the year that Boeing could boast of a comeback in its three-decadeslong duel with Airbus Industries. Long the dominant player in the commercial aerospace industry, Boeing has been steadily losing market share to Airbus from the mid-1990s onwards (represented in Exhibit 1). In 1999, for the first time in its history, Airbus garnered more orders for new commercial jet aircraft than Boeing. The European upstart repeated this achievement regularly between 2001 and 2005. By mid-2006, however, the tide seemed to be shifting in Boeing’s favor. Underlying this were strong sales of Boeing’s newest jet, the super-efficient wide-bodied 787, along with surging sales of its well established 737 and 777 jets. For the first six months of 2006, Boeing took orders for 487 aircraft; Airbus took just 117. While Boeing seemed to be leaving a decade of production problems and ethics scandals behind it, Airbus was mired in problems of its own. Its largest jet to date, the A380 super jumbo, had been delayed from entering service while the company struggled with production problems. Orders for the A380 had stalled at 159 for almost a year, and analysts were beginning to question whether the aircraft would be a commercial success. Moreover, Airbus’s contender to the Boeing 787, the A350, had to be scrapped before it even left the drawing board due to negative customer feedback. The challenge facing Boeing’s management was to translate this revival in fortunes for the company into a sustainable competitive advantage. It was off to a good start, but what else needed to be done? The Competitive Environment By the 2000s, the market for large commercial jet aircraft was dominated by just two companies, Boeing and Airbus. A third player in the industry, McDonnell Douglas, had been significant historically but had lost share during the 1980s and 1990s. In 1997, Boeing acquired McDonnell Douglas, primarily for its strong military business. Since the mid-1990s, Airbus had been gaining orders at Boeing’s expense. By the mid- 2000s, the two companies were splitting the market. Both Boeing and Airbus now have a full range of aircraft. Boeing offers five aircraft “families” that range in size from 100 to over 500 seats. They are the narrow-bodied 737 and the wide-bodied 747, 767, 777, and 787 families. Each family comes in various forms. For example, there are currently four main variants of the 737 aircraft. They vary in size from 110 to 215 seats, and in range from 2,000 to over 5,000 miles. List prices vary from $47 million for the smallest member of the 737 family, the 737-600, to $282 million for the largest Boeing aircraft, the 747-8. The newest member of the Boeing family, the 787, lists for between $138 million and $188 million, depending on the model.1 Similarly, Airbus offers four families: the narrow bodied A320 family and the wide-bodied A300/310, A330/340, and A380 families. These aircraft vary in size from 100 to 550 seats. The range of list prices is similar to Boeing’s. The A380 super jumbo lists for between $282 million and $302 million, while the smaller A320 lists for between $62 million and $66.5 million.2 Both companies also offer freighter versions of their wide-bodied aircraft. Airbus was a relatively recent entrant into the market. Airbus began its life as a consortium between a French and a Germany company in 1970. Later, a British and a Spanish company joined the consortium. Initially few people gave Airbus much chance for success, but the consortium gained ground by innovating. It was the first aircraft maker to build planes that “flew by wire,” made extensive use of composites, flew with only two flight crew members (most flew with three), and used a common cockpit layout across models. It also gained sales by being the first company to offer a wide-bodied twin engine jet, the A300, that was positioned between smaller single-aisle planes like the 737 and large aircraft such as the Boeing 747. In 2001, Airbus became a fully integrated company. The European Defense and Space Company (EADS), formed by a merger between French, German, and Spanish interests, acquired 80% of the shares in EADS, and BAE Systems, a British company, took a 20% stake.