This element explores the way people communicate and interact with each other in this community.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
Research for the following information: Is this a connected community, or do people keep to themselves? How do locals communicate: community spaces, internet access, local radio or television stations, newspapers/newsletters, etc? Is isolation an issue?
*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria overall? Think about oNkilki4 communication before COVID and after COVID— how do people meet, interact and communicate with one another, how do people find out about what is happening in the town and across the world?
Impact on health
• Answer the key question: How do the ways people in YOUR community interact or communicate impact on their health? NIQ- Resources and references GaN, • Resources and references for this section
• Work out how to include the answers from your interview questions here.
4.9616 4. Services and Resources
4.1. Health and Social Services Vi‘ This element explores all the different services and resources available to the population in terms of their mental and physical healthe Background Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
Identify the various services and resources that exist in this town. These can include both public or private health services, volunteer organisations, community activities and groups (Men’s shed, Probus, Meals on Wheels), etc. What are the main health issues evident in this community? What common acute/chronic diseases exist (including rates of disease)? What priority health area needs are being met/or need to be improved?
*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria?
Impact on health
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