Consider the sample survey questions below designed for targets participating in

Consider the sample survey questions below designed for targets participating in a job training program. Each one of these questions has a flaw that violates the rules of writing survey questions. Study the body of each question and the option choices to identify each flaw 
-What is your highest education level? (A) High school diploma or GED, (B) Some college or Associate’s degree, (C) Bachelor’s degree or better.
-What is your employment status? (A) Employed full-time, (B) Employed part-time, (C) Underemployed, (D) Unemployed.
-If employed, what is your current annual income? (A) $25,000 or less, (B) $25,000-$49,999, (C) $50,000-$74,999,  (D) $75,000-$99,999, (E) $100,000 or more.
-To what extent are you satisfied with the job training associates? (A) Very satisfied, (B) Somewhat satisfied, (C) No opinion, (D) Dissatisfied, (E) Very dissatisfied. 
-To what extent do you feel that the job training seminars are clear, concise, and relevant to your current job field? (A) Strongly agree, (B) Agree, (C) No opinion, (D) Disagree, (E) Strongly disagree.
– Please use the lectures link to help identify what flaws to look for