Considering your educational experience, discuss the implications of the followi

Considering your educational experience, discuss the implications of the following statements with respect to introducing Total Quality (TQ) principles in a college classroom. Do you agree with them? How do they reflect TQ principles? What changes in traditional learning approaches would they require for both students and instructors?
– Embracing a customer focus doesn’t mean giving students all As and abandoning standards.
– If students fail, the system has failed.
– Faculty members are customers of those who teach prerequisites.
– Treating students as customers means allowing students to choose not to come to class.
– Completing the syllabus is not a measure of success.
– Eliminate performance appraisals based on classroom evaluations.
– No matter how good the test, luck will be involved.
Please choose from the provided below and externally accessible (Open) resources – must be peer-reviewed/Scholarly. 
Provided Resources to choose from:
1. Ghobadian, A., & Speller, S. (1994). Gurus of quality: A framework for comparison. Total Quality Management; 5(3), p. 53-70.
2. Vokurka, R. J., Stading, G. L., & Brazeal, J. (2000). A comparative analysis of national and regional quality awards. Quality Progress, August 2000, p. 41-49.
3. Fletcher, A. C. (n.d.). Building world-class performance with the Baldrige criteria. Quality Digest, Retrieved from
4. Woo, L.T. (2008). Good vibrations Ingrained quality practices mirror Deming’s 14 points, Quality Progress,  41(2), p.25-30.
5. Kemp, S. (2006). Quality Management Demystified, McGraw-Hill Professional
Chapter 14 (p. 219-226) – The cost of quality
Chapter 11 (p. 177-190) – Total Quality Management (TQM)