Construct logical cohesive and persuasive arguments
Construct logical cohesive and persuasive arguments
Now that you have an outline or idea of what you want to write, you can begin writing your draft. Your writing should be organized, developed, accurate, and original. It is always important to develop your ideas with accurate details, but in an argumentative essay, it is especially important that your development and ideas are organized in a logical way. You will need good cohesion for your reader to best understand your argument.
Cohesion is when the ideas in writing logically flow from one idea to the next idea. Writing paragraphs that have good sequencing will help your readers understand your ideas more clearly. Sometimes you will have a clear order that relates to time. Sometimes you will have an order from least important or impactful to most important or impactful. Sometimes the order is more flexible and there is not one perfect way to sequence the sentences.
Cohesion may happen at the sentence, paragraph, or essay level. You will need cohesion between parts of a sentence, between sentences in a paragraph, and between paragraphs in an essay. Compare the examples of paragraph-level cohesion below. The first paragraph has poor cohesion. Some details may seem to suddenly appear or the ideas may seem to jump around.
Example: Body Paragraph (Poor Cohesion)
Music should be a required subject at all schools because it helps students’ brains. The process of learning and practicing music may provide mental exercise for students. “[Music] [i]s based on relationships between one note and the next. You may not be aware of it, but your brain has to do a log of computing to make sense of it” (John Hopkins Medicine, 2022, para. 6). One proven effect is improved syllable distinguishing. Scientists from Standford used fMRI research to show that musicians recognized syllables faster than non-musicians (Devlin, 2005). Their brains work better than others. There are possible ways that require more research such as the effect of music on how the brain processes math. Therefore, they should be provided opportunities to study music in school.
Example: Body Paragraph (Revised for Cohesion)
Music should be a required subject at all schools because it helps students’ brains. The process of learning and practicing music may provide mental exercise for students. As John Hopkins Medicine explains, “[Music] [i]s based on relationships between one note and the next. You may not be aware of it, but your brain has to do a log of computing to make sense of it” (2022, para. 6). How exactly music may benefit the brain is still being studied. One proven effect is improved syllable distinguishing. Scientists from Standford used fMRI research to show that musicians recognized syllables faster than non-musicians (Devlin, 2005). This is just one way music helps musicians’ brains work better than non-musicians’. There are other possible ways that require more research such as the effect of music on how the brain processes math. Therefore, for students to exercise their brains, they should be provided opportunities to study music in school.
Cohesion throughout Your Essay
To write with cohesion, you will need to write with ‘logical flow’. However, ‘logical flow’ may be different by culture. In American-style academic essays, the flow of an argument is very direct. It is like a straight river from point A to point B. There are no bends or deviations. Maybe the river is long; it might be from point A to point Z, but it will still flow directly. This can be seen at the essay level getting from the introduction ideas to the conclusion ideas, or it can be seen at the paragraph level going from the topic sentence to the concluding sentence. It can also be seen at the sentence level going from one idea in a word, phrase, or clause to the next idea in a word, phrase or clause.