Contrast the views of Aristotle and Descartes on the relationship between body a

Contrast the views of Aristotle and Descartes on the relationship
between body and mind/soul.
Contrast the nature of introspection from the vantage points of
Titchener, Comte, and Kant.
Requires that at least four additional scholarly research sources related
to this topic & at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
MUST use APA forrmat 
A comparison of the views of Aristotle and Descartes on the relationship between body and mind/soul is clearly presented. The comparison contains rich detail and is discerning. Research is from scholarly, and original, and/or highly respected, current sources.
A contrast of the nature of introspection from the vantage points of Titchener, Comte, and Kant is clearly presented. The comparison contains rich detail and is discerning. Research is from scholarly, and original, and/or highly respected, current sources.
Synthesis of source information is present and scholarly. Argument is clear and convincing presenting a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
Thesis and/or main claim are clear and comprehensive; the essence of the paper is contained within the thesis.