COU362 Psychological Disorders, SUSS, Singapore: Based on your understanding of Insomnia, appraise the following statements as either ‘True’, ‘False’, or ‘Depends on the context’

Question 2

Based on your understanding of Insomnia, appraise the following statements as either ‘True’, ‘False’, or ‘Depends on the context’. Organize your responses with relevant justifications from the literature. In-text citations are mandatory.
The statements are:

a) Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep but not difficulty maintaining sleep.
b) Chronic insomnia is typically diagnosed when sleep disturbances persist for at least three nights per week for three months or longer.

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c) Insomnia can be a symptom of an underlying medical or psychiatric condition, such as depression or anxiety.
d) Cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is considered the gold standard treatment for chronic insomnia.
e) Sedative hypnotic medications, such as benzodiazepines, are the first-line treatments for chronic insomnia due to their rapid onset of action.
f) Sleep restriction, a component of CBT-I, involves limiting the time spent in bed to maximise the average amount of sleep a person is actually getting.
g) Sleep hygiene practices, such as avoiding caffeine and screens before bedtime, have been shown to be somewhat ineffective in the treatment of chronic insomnia.
h) Women are more likely than men to experience chronic insomnia.
i) The use of alcohol as a sleep aid is a recommended strategy for managing insomnia in some addiction cases.
j) The impact of insomnia is limited to sleep-related consequences, and does not significantly affect an individual’s daytime functioning or overall quality of life.

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