could you please fix this essay. I got it done recently but wasn’t really a fan

could you please fix this essay. I got it done recently but wasn’t really a fan of it. my main issue was that they directly pointing out the bibliography. if you could make sound just a little more professional. I’m posting the instructions I got from the essay just incase you need a guide line. please use the sources already on here
When doing research for your paper, find at least one of each of the 8 following types of sources, which must focus on your topic. Even though the list has 7 different types of sources, you may find more than one source from each category. Create a bibliography, which is a list of MLA or APA citations for each source that you found but do not necessarily cite in your paper.
Read the sources you find, and then create a citation for each one. Alphabetically compile the 8 plus citations into a typed bibliography. You should choose at least 5 to use in writing in the final research paper.
1.Reference work (almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, directories)
2.Book (electronic or print, but should focus entirely on your topic)
3.Commercial periodical (magazine or newspaper)
4.Academic periodical (scholarly journal article)
5.Organization source (org) or government source (gov)
6.Educational source (.edu)
7.One multimedia source, such as charts, maps, tables, infographics, audio, image, or computer animation.
The final research paper will organized and developed as described below.
The introductory paragraph (200 words) describes the topic, its scope, and the research methodology, including primary and secondary journall articles, books, references, types of websites, etc. The final 1-2 sentences should be a thesis that summarizes the body paragraph topic sentences.
Body Paragraph 1(200-250 words) evaluates which of the seven sources in the bibliography is the most current for the topic and explains why in contrast to the other sources. The timeliness evaluation is not always about the most recent source. Primary sources and secondary sources, as well as historical and contemporary sources, are more appropriate depending on various topics.
Body Paragraph 2(200-250 words) evaluates which of the seven sources in the bibliography has the most reliable information for the topic and explains why in contrast to the other sources. Include the second A. (Authority of Organization/Publication) evaluation in this paragraph since the publication, domain, and peer-reviewed aspect of a source ties into the reliability of the information.
Body Paragraph 3(200-250 words) evaluates which of the seven sources in the bibliography is the most authoritative and relevant credentials for the topic and explains why in contrast to thig other sources. Include the P. (Purpose) evaluation in this paragraph because an author’s credentials are typically tied to their credentials and authority.
Concluding Paragraph (150-200 words) — conclude which two or three sources out of the seven from the bibliography would be the strongest to use in a college-level paper to an academic audience and explain why.
The document MUST include a Works Cited list for MLA or a References list for APA to be considered for a passing grade. At least 5 sources from the
– bibliography must have evidence cited in the final paper. No direct quotes are necessary for the development of the paper unless the direct quote will be analyzed and evaluated in specific detail for reasoning on ‘best’ source.