Course Reflection Submission: At the end of the semester, you will write a final

Course Reflection Submission: At the end of the semester, you will write a final reflection of your experience in the course. What was the most impactful thing(s) that you learned? How will you take this information forward into your life as a student and future career? This should be at least 500 words.
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the Spring B 2024 semester! I hope you all are refreshed and ready to get started. 
I have published our Canvas course, and everything for the entire semester is up and ready for you. Hopefully everything is laid out in a logical way that makes sense and that is easy for you to follow. Feel free to work through the semester as you wish. The deadlines that are posted are the suggested submission dates to keep you on track for the semester, but I understand you may need to make some adjustments based on your other courses and external obligations.
Best of luck with the first week of classes! I am here for you! 
Course Catalog Description: Examines selected contemporary political/economic issues and problems
and their intellectual histories through a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives and methods. Stresses
critical, creative, and collaborative thinking and application of communication, information, and
technological skills. (3 credits)
Section Topic Description: The field of higher education is not impervious to the crises that occur in
society. This course will discuss various crises that have occurred (or are still occurring), and how
institutions have responded in different ways, and how values can determine the response and solutions
process for college administrators. Students will also have an opportunity to examine their own personal
values and beliefs, and how they affect your solution development process. Important: If you
completed IDS 4930: Higher Education’s Response to Crisis, you should not enroll in this course, as you
have already successfully completed it. You also should not take this course if you have already
earned credit for IDS 3302: Issues in Politics and Economics (even if it was taken with a different
Course Prerequisites: None.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Understand issues in politics/economics and draw conclusions about their causes, impacts, and
Select a topic and develop it coherently, and in a way that demonstrates an integrated
understanding and analysis of political/economic issues.
Generate novel perspectives on issues of politics/economics by integrating research and
knowledge from multiple disciplines.
Course Objectives: At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
Identify their own personal values and beliefs, and how this ethics system affects their own
decision-making process;
Articulate how institutions respond to crisis on college campuses, and how these responses may
vary based on institutional characteristics;
Engage in scholarly discussion with their peers, while utilizing critical thinking skills.IDS 3302: Issues in Politics and Economics, CRN 15309 (Spring B 2024) Page | 2
Engage in scholarly inquiry by finding scholarly articles through repositories such as the
University Library, and synthesizing concepts across sources.
Textbooks/Course Materials:
Course materials will be posted to Canvas, or will be accessible through internet sources or the
University Library.
It is recommended that students become familiar with online current event sources for higher education
such as The Chronicle of Higher Education ( and Inside Higher Ed
( Students can also access higher education journals via the University Library
Students can access articles from The Chronicle of Higher Education by creating a free account on their
website: All Chronicle articles are accessible for free through the University Library
Grading Scale:
Grade Percentage Points Grade Percentage Points
A 93-100% 930-1000 C 73-76.9% 730-769
A- 90-92.9% 900-929 C- 70-72.9% 700-729
B+ 87-89.9% 870-899 D+ 67-69.9% 670-699
B 80-86.9% 800-869 D 60-66.9% 600-669
C+ 77-79.9% 770-799 F 0-59.9% 0-599
Grading Policy: Students must regularly review their grade report on Canvas and notify the instructor of
any corrections or concerns about a particular grade within two weeks of the due date of the
assignment in question. After two weeks, corrections or concerns will not be considered and the
original grade will stand.
Introduction Post and Attendance Verification 45 points
Your Core Values Submission 100 points
Current Event Discussions (5 x 50 points) 250 points
Instructor’s Article Discussions (10 x 45 points) 450 points
Research Paper Topic Submission – Discussion 5 points
Final Research Paper Submission 100 points
Course Reflection Submission 50 points
1000 points
Brief Assignment Descriptions:
Additional assignment instructions will be available in Canvas.
Introduction Post and Attendance Verification: Students will complete an initial discussion post to
introduce themselves to each other. Primary post should be at least 500 words; you will also respond to
at least two classmates (at least 100 words each). Students are also required to complete the
attendance verification quiz that is in Canvas during the first week of classes.IDS 3302: Issues in Politics and Economics, CRN 15309 (Spring B 2024) Page | 3
Your Core Values Submission: In order to understand how you will respond to a crisis, you need to first
establish what your core values and beliefs are. As a leader, when you respond to crisis, you have to
think about your purpose and principles. For this assignment, you will detail at least ten (10) of your
core values/beliefs that guide your personal and professional actions. This should be at least 1000
Current Event Discussions: Find a recent (from the current semester) article or video related to a crisis
in higher education (this can be any crisis in higher education, not just those discussed in class). Your
article/video does not have to be related to the module of the week. Post a link to your article/video, as
well as summarize the article/video. In addition, you will detail your reaction to the article/video – why
did you choose it? What do you think? Would you have done anything differently? (At least 350 words
for your primary post.) Respond to at least two classmates’ posts (at least 100 words each).
Instructor’s Article Discussions: You will review the instructor’s materials for the topic/module
(including articles, videos, etc.) and detail your reaction – what do you think? What stuck out to you?
What would you do? (At least 350 words for your primary post). Respond to at least two classmates’
posts (at least 100 words each).
Research Paper Topic Submission Discussion: The purpose of this assignment is to select a topic related
to higher education and crisis that you will conduct further research on. Be sure to select a topic that is
of interest to you personally or professionally. You are not limited to the topics discussed in this course,
and are encouraged to be as creative as possible. You will submit your topic brainstorm as a discussion
post in Canvas, of at least 300 words. You are also responsible for responding to two classmates,
providing them with high-quality and constructive feedback on their selected topics (at least 100 words
Research Paper Submission: For the final paper, you will submit a thorough analysis of your topic (using
at least ten legitimate sources). Sources utilized should be unique to those provided by the instructor in
the modules. Students should use the PEAS Critical Thinking Framework (Problem, Evidence, Analysis,
Solution) to guide their written work (see rubric in Canvas). Final paper should be at least 1000 words of
content with a separate works cited/reference list.
Course Reflection Submission: At the end of the semester, you will write a final reflection of your
experience in the course. What was the most impactful thing(s) that you learned? How will you take this
information forward into your life as a student and future career? This should be at least 500 words.
Extra Credit Opportunities: Throughout the course of the semester, extra credit opportunities may be
presented over Canvas. Instructor will post information via Canvas Announcements and Assignments
regarding these opportunities. It is not guaranteed that extra credit will be presented as an opportunity,
so students should aim to maximize their points earned on the above class assignments.
Communication: Students are required to have an active Eagle Email account and check it daily for
campus updates and announcements. Your email username and password will also be necessary to log-
in to Canvas, the learning management software (LMS) used by FGCU, which will be used significantly
throughout the semester. Any electronic communication for this course should be done via Canvas.
Email and Canvas will be an integral part of our class communication. Email communications sent via
Canvas will be delivered to the students’ Canvas Inbox as well as your Eagle Email inbox. You areIDS 3302: Issues in Politics and Economics, CRN 15309 (Spring B 2024) Page | 4
required to reply to Canvas messages via the Canvas mail feature. If you are having difficulty accessing
your Eagle Email account or Canvas, please notify your instructor immediately. Your instructor will reply
to all electronic communications within 24 business hours. As such, students are expected to reply to
electronic communications within 24 business hours.
Technology Usage: Given that this course is delivered 100% virtually, it is expected that students have
access to reliable technology, including internet access. Computer labs and internet access are available
on-campus for students to use. Information can be found online:
Assignment Completion Deadlines: All assignments are expected to be submitted at the time indicated
in Canvas on the date assigned on the course schedule. Students are expected to submit assignments
electronically via Canvas (dropboxes will be open for each assignment). If you foresee a problem
meeting a deadline, please contact your instructor by phone, email, or in person as soon as possible.
University Resources for Success:
Writing Lab: The Writing Lab offers walk-in and appointment-based writing consultations for students
who need assistance on any writing assignment. This is a great resource for you to utilize as you craft
your thesis. Please visit their website at for more information.
Academic Advising: It is recommended that you consider completing a graduation check to make sure
that all of your requirements are completed or in-progress, and that you are on track to graduation.
You can find your advising office here: Please note that all
Integrated Studies majors are advised by Exploratory Advising: and you can
make an appointment here: (case-sensitive, use Google Chrome for compatibility)
Career Development Services: As you prepare for the next step of your journey after graduation, it is
recommended that you utilize Career Development Services (CDS) to successfully navigate this
process. They offer career counseling, mock interviews, resume and cover letter review and
development, and career events with potential employers. More information is available on their
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): CAPS provides free mental health counseling and therapy
services (including psychiatry) to all enrolled FGCU students. Please call CAPS at (239) 590-7950,
Monday through Friday between 8:30 AM-5:00 PM to schedule an initial contact appointment. Visit the
CAPS website at for more information. CAPS
offers a 24/7 Helpline at (239) 745-3277 (EARS).
Office of the Provost – Core Syllabus Policy Statements
FGCU has a set of central policies related to student recording class sessions, academic integrity and
grievances, student accessibility services, academic disruption, and religious observances that apply to
all courses at FGCU. Be sure to review these online at: 3302: Issues in Politics and Economics, CRN 15309 (Spring B 2024) Page | 5
Course Schedule:
The course schedule is subject to change as needed over the course of the semester. The instructor will
communicate any changes to students via Canvas Announcements, as applicable. (*Important University
dates/deadlines are listed in red.*)
All assignments are open at the beginning of the semester. The due dates below are intended to keep
students on track throughout the course of the semester. The instructor reserves the right to accept work
at any point in the semester, and will provide students with a “last call” date for final submissions.
Canvas Module to Review Assignment Due Date
Spring 2024 Graduation Application
Friday, 2/9
Deadline to submit service hours
for spring 2024 graduating seniors
Friday, 2/9 @ 11:59 PM
Week 1 (March 11th
Add/drop and tuition payment
deadline for spring B 2024
Friday, 3/15 @ 5:00 PM
Course Introduction Attendance Verification
Introduction Post
Sunday, 3/17, 11:59 PM
Week 2 (March 18th
Core Values Your Core Values Submission Sunday, 3/24, 11:59 PM
Pandemics & Physical Health Instructor’s Article Discussion Sunday, 3/24, 11:59 PM
Week 3 (March 25th
Mental Health Concerns Instructor’s Article Discussion
Current Event Discussion #1
Sunday, 3/31, 11:59 PM
Week 4 (April 1st
Campus Safety Instructor’s Article Discussion
Research Paper Topic Submission
Sunday, 4/7, 11:59 PM
Access & Equality Instructor’s Article Discussion
Current Event Discussion #2
Sunday, 4/7, 11:59 PM
Week 5 (April 8th
The Social Justice Movement Instructor’s Article Discussion Sunday, 4/14, 11:59 PM
Breathe Week Current Event Discussion #3 Sunday, 4/14, 11:59 PM
Week 6 (April 15th
Deadline to withdraw without
academic penalty (within
Withdrawal Rule)
Monday, 4/15 @ 5:00 PM
Graduating Student Survey Opens Monday, 4/15
Globalization &
Instructor’s Article Discussion Sunday, 4/21, 11:59 PM
Terrorism & Violence Instructor’s Article Discussion
Current Event Discussion #4
Sunday, 4/21, 11:59 PM
Week 7 (April 22nd
Financial/Economic Instability Instructor’s Article Discussion Sunday, 4/28, 11:59 PM
Campus Resilience Instructor’s Article Discussion
Current Event Discussion #5
Sunday, 4/28, 11:59 PM
Climate & Sustainability Instructor’s Article Discussion Sunday, 4/28, 11:59 PMIDS 3302: Issues in Politics and Economics, CRN 15309 (Spring B 2024)