Coursework 2 – Reflective essay on career development and narrative including th

Coursework 2 – Reflective essay on career development and narrative including the production of a CV/or online professional profile
The objective of this coursework is for you to critically engage with the theory and practice around career development and narratives, to draw implications for your own personal and professional development.
For this assignment, you need to undertake the following tasks:
Produce a CV or online professional profile as part of the learning activities for week 11 of the module;
Produce some creative visual material [a drawing or a collage] reflecting your career aspiration and values as part of the activities for seminar 5;
Reflect on what you learnt from both of these exercises in terms of developing a career narrative and your personal and professional development moving forward.
In doing this assignment, it is recommended that you build in particular on the theories and other teaching and learning material from weeks 10 to 11 and activities from seminar 5. However, you may find helpful to link your reflection to the rest of the module material discussing professional values.
The word count for this assignment is 250 words maximum excluding your reference list. When submitting your coursework, you need to include a copy of the CV or professional profile you produced as part of the learning activities for week 11 as well as a copy of the drawing or other visual material on your career aspiration that you produced as part of seminar 5 in two appendices to your assignment. It is important to note that we won’t assess the quality of your CV or the visual material that you produced per se but only your reflection on doing these. If you don’t submit a copy of your CV produced during week 11 and/or the creative visual you produced for seminar 5, points will be deducted from your grades