create a 2×2 anova result with this data set, and align it with my group proposal. run it through jamovi. i will attach a step by step of how to do it. i also attach a file the example of what i am looking for named ( exmaple of what i am looking for Quiz game-24 Results (Tables) (5).xlsx)
this is the results FINAL_TEST_RUN (Responses).xlsx ( THIS IS THE ONE I AM LOOKING FOR THAN NEED TO BE RAN)
This study aims to explore the differential psychological impacts of social media and navigation apps on narcissistic traits. It specifically examines how these effects vary with individual differences in self-esteem, offering insights into the complex interactions between technology use and personality expression.
– Dependent Variable (DV):
Narcissistic traits, measured by scores on two versions of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI Part 1 and NPI Part 2).
-Independent Variables (IVs):
1. Self-esteem (IV1): Two levels – Low vs. High (Between-subjects)
2. Prime (IV2): Two types – Scrolling on Instagram vs. Interacting with Google Maps (Within-subjects)
Experimental Design: A mixed factorial design is employed to assess how different primes influence narcissistic traits among individuals with varying levels of self-esteem.
1. Prime Manipulation: Participants are exposed to both Instagram and Google Maps. The sequence of interaction is counterbalanced across participants to mitigate order effects
2. Immediate NPI Assessment:
Following each 5-minute interaction with a prime, participants complete a part of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, with the specific version (Part 1 or Part 2) also being counterbalanced.
– Technology: Participant smartphones, computers for survey administration.
– Surveys:
– Self-esteem inventory
– Demographic questionnaire
– Two versions of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI Part 1 and NPI Part 2) available at
A significant effect of self esteem is hypothesized. High self esteem will result in a higher NPI score.
A significant effect of the prime is hypothesized. Scrolling on Instagram will result in a higher NPI score.
Participant Recruitment and Screening:
Participants are recruited through advertisements featuring a QR code that directs them to a screening Google Form. Eligibility is determined based on age and regular use of social media and Google Maps.
Data Collection:
– Data is collected using Google Forms for survey responses and random assignment of participants to different experimental conditions.
– A spreadsheet will be created for data entry and analysis, incorporating response codes and basic data analysis tools.
Welcome Page:
“Welcome to our research project! Before you begin, please read the following information:
This study is conducted for academic research purposes. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and all information collected will be kept confidential. No personally identifiable information will be collected, and your responses will not be shared with any third parties.
If you agree to participate and understand the information provided, please click the ‘Begin Experiment’ button below.”
Pilot Testing:
Both halves of the NPI are pilot tested to ensure their reliability and validity independently.
The study seeks to elucidate how different types of digital engagement influence the expression of narcissistic traits, particularly in the context of individual self-esteem variations. The findings are expected to contribute valuable insights into the interactions between technology use and personality development.
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