Critical Care Case Study and Presentation: Overview and Instructions Overview an

Critical Care Case Study and Presentation: Overview and Instructions
Overview and Due Dates
You will write a 5-page report and give a 15- to a 20-minute oral presentation on a specific case study. This project is worth 100 points.
Select one critical care patient to focus on for this case study. Be sure the hospital, patient’s name, and all identifying information are removed/hidden in all of your final materials.
Submit the 5-page written report through Canvas.
Deliver an oral presentation supplemented by a visual aid (such as PowerPoint or a handout) of your report in class.
Written Report (80 points)
Conduct research relevant to your case study using the Internet, Concorde Library, clinical site library, and any other appropriate sources. Review a variety of sources including professional journals, reputable websites, research papers, and books.
Write a 5-page APA formatted paper in which you address the following:
Cover the entire medical case of a patient from their entrance to the hospital to the present time.
Include the assessments, treatment decisions, and outcomes of those treatments.
Include the explanation, rationale, and outcomes of patient assessment, disease/trauma pathology, ventilator strategy and management, respiratory therapeutics, patient education, pulmonary rehabilitation, and experimental therapies.
Include the long-term prognosis of the patient.
Discuss the diagnostic tools (chest x-ray, ABG, CBC, electrolytes, hemodynamics, CT-scan, etc.) if applicable.
Discuss the impact of the disease process on the respiratory system (ventilation, oxygenation, airway patency, need for mechanical ventilation, and ventilation strategies) if applicable.
NOTE: These are not copies of the patient’s chart. This should be written in an explanatory essay style.
Support your paper with a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed and/or scholarly resources, excluding the course textbooks.
Summarize your major findings in an organized abstract.
Include a cover page with the title of your report, your first and last name, and the date it is submitted.
List all references on a separate APA formatted reference page. References must include title, author, and page numbers. The cover page, abstract, and reference page are not counted as part of the 5-page requirement.
Compile all of your materials onto a single document for submission through Canvas.
Oral Presentation (20 points)
Develop a 15- to the 20-minute oral presentation of your disease report.
Supplement your presentation with a concise, attractive, and professional visual aid such as a PowerPoint presentation or an informational handout you can distribute to your classmates. Include appropriate images such as graphs/charts, pictures, x-rays, or links to relevant resources. Be sure the hospital, patient’s name, and identifying information are not visible.
Deliver your presentation using your own words – do not read your report or your PowerPoint slides verbatim. Practice your presentation several times to ensure you feel comfortable explaining your findings and ideas. Dress professionally and maintain a professional demeanor and language.
Be prepared to answer questions from your classmates and/or instructor.
You will deliver the oral presentation in class during Module 4.
Writing Guidelines
Canvas will only accept the following file types: doc, Docx, pdf, ppt, pptx
Use Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12
Double-spaced lines
Standard 1-inch margins

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