Critically analyze how is the case topic related to sustainability, and why is it important: sustainability Assignment, NUS

1. Critically analyze how is the case topic related to sustainability, and why is it important.
How is the given topic related to the 3 pillars of sustainability and some relevant SDGs
2. Evaluate why is your case topic a wicked problem (WP)? Explain using the 5 characteristics of a wicked problem.
What is a wicked problem, also explain using only the 5 characteristics discussed in the subject.
3. Based on your answers to questions 1 and 2 above, analyse why current approaches to solving the problem have failed.
How is the given topic better approached using the concepts of wicked problems and systems thinking
4. Applying the Iceberg model (IM), explain if and how systems thinking (ST) might be useful in addressing the wickedness of the problem.

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