Please answer all parts of the question in complete sentences. Most of the questions are
open ended. You can use any outside materials for reference. Don’t write too much fluff, and don’t repeat the questions. Answer questions carefully in your own words. Al engines are banned for the purposes of this exam.
Section 1(10 points)
Describe the perceived shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation as viewed by some of
the founding fathers. What were some of the fears going into the constitutional convention
by many of its participants?
What prompted the addition of the Bill of rights to the Constitution? (feel free to use your textbook or any outside materials). Make sure to use specific parts of the Bill of Rights to
anchor your answer. (2 paragraphs)
POL 101 2
Section II (10 points)
Describe the main crux of the original debate between the Federalists and the Anti Federalists. Can you think of modern examples where there is a tug-of-war between state and federal authority? Which party in modern American politics tends to favor states rights? Why? What are the outcomes when more issues are decided on the state level? Give at least three examples. Does the disparity between states grow or shrink as more issues are decided on the state level? (feel free to use your textbook, readigns or any outside
(1 paragraph)
Section III (10 points)
Please watch the videos below:
Cambridge Analytica 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXv glyKU&ab_channel-TheNewYorkTimes
Cambridge Analytica 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ume
Cambridge Analytica 3: Cambridge Analytica whistleblower: “We spent $1m harvesting millions
of Facebook profiles – YouTube
What does the experiment run by Cambridge Analytica tell us about the vulnerability of our democratic process when it comes to social media platforms? Do you think there is anything, short of censorship, that governments can do to prevent the spread of
misinformation? (1 paragraph)
Section IV (10 points)
Part 1
Please watch the two videos below. Both cover the issue of Climate Change.
Tucker Carlson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?valuePh&&ab_channel=FoxNews
Chris Hayes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcpXL20M&ah_channel=MSNBC
Analyze the ways in which the two presenters talk about the issue of climate change. Is
either of them giving concrete facts? How do they talk about political opponents? What is the takeaway from these clips both on the subject of climate change, and on the subject of party politics? (2 paragraphs)
Part 2
Now watch this nightly news report:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?verPAу541201&ah channel-CBSEvening News
POL 101 3
How does the presenter talk about the issue of climate change? Are there facts? Are there mentions of politics? What is the takeaway from this clip compared to the other two?
(1 paragraph)
Section V (25 points)
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