Determine the change in the radiation intensity and Xma. of the thermal radiation from a black body if its temperature: Quantum Physics Assignment, NTU

Determine the change in the radiation intensity and Xma. of the thermal radiation from a black body if its temperature increases from 1000 “C to 1001 °C.
An incident energetic photon is scattered by a free electron initially at rest. If the scattering angle of the scattered photon is 90° with respect to the incident photon propagation direction and the scattered photon energy is 0.100 MeV, determine the wavelength and momentum of the scattered photon and the incident photon, respectively.
A beam of ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 250 nm is incident on a metal whose work function is 2.8 eV. Note that +1.5 V is applied to the metal with respect to the photoelectron detector. Determine the most significant kinetic energy of the photoelectrons collected by the sensor.
Explain the physics behind the fourth assumption in Bohr’s atomic model, i.e., mevr=nh/2π, where I and v are the mass and velocity of an electron around the nucleus, respectively, r is the radius of an allowed orbit, n is the integer and h is the Plank constant.

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