Differential Association Theory (Psychology) and General Strain Theory (Sociology): Crime through the Ages Essay, KU

Differential Association Theory (Psychology) and General Strain Theory (Sociology). You will compare and contrast these two theories and their explanations of offending behavior.

Your essay must rely on a minimum of fifteen (15) peer-reviewed journal articles.

To do this, you will:

Address the concept of vicarious learning
 Introduce the assumptions of vicarious learning. Explain the relationship between learning and punishment.

Introduce and explain both theories and their disciplinary perspectives.
Discuss how vicarious learning and general strain can be applied to this question.
 Actively compare and contrast the two theories and their explanations/arguments as to why people engage in crime.
Lastly, you are to provide an argument as to which theory provides a better understanding of this essay question and why (you may also argue in favour of both theories, but you MUST provide an argument as to WHY).
ALL arguments must be supported by the literature/research (not your own opinion).

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