Digital visual artifacts pitch – you will describe 3 different, potential visual artifacts, each
of which could be the basis of Project 1. Each visual artifact description should be at
least 50 words (150 words minimum for the pitches).
Project 1 paper — you will submit a Digital Visual Artifact Analysis paper in which you
make claims about how your chosen visual artifact functions rhetorically, supported by
concrete examples from your artifact. This paper must be no shorter than 1250 words,
not counting references.
Rhetorical analysis must establish the purpose and exigency of the digital visual
o Rhetorical analysis must discuss the target audience of the artifact.
o Rhetorical analysis must attend to the visual elements as well as the alphabetic
4 authoritative secondary research sources must be used to bolster analysis.
In-text citations and reference list must follow APA format (I will not accept any other
citation format in this class). Rhetorical analysis must attend to the visual elements as well as the alphabetic
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