Directions: Please choose one of the topics below to write a 3-4 page essay. You

Please choose one of the topics below to write a 3-4 page essay. You are writing in response to the short story, “The Paper Menagerie”.
1. Analyze one or more of the conflicts within the story, such as identity, racism, etc. and how the conflict(s) relate to the story’s theme.
2. Analyze the use of figurative language, such as symbolism, irony, metaphor, etc. in “Paper Menagerie.” Specifically address how the use of figurative language contributes to the overall effectiveness of the story and how it develops the story’s theme.
3. Write a character analysis for one or more characters in the story; in the character analysis, discuss character type, and include a discussion regarding the character’s role within the story.
4. Analyze the use of one or more elements of fiction, such as characterization, setting, conflict, point of view, etc. and explain how it contributes to the theme of “Paper Menagerie.”
MLA format
3-4 page minimum
Primary & secondary source citations
Works Cited

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Please choose one of the topics below to write a 3-4 page essay. You
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