Discussion Post 3: Verbal Folklore Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to

Discussion Post 3: Verbal Folklore
The purpose of this discussion is to develop an awareness of the verbal folklore around you. This discussion gives you the opportunity to identify folklore in your own life and to begin to apply the concepts and terms from our class to the study of your own folklore.
In order to successfully complete this discussion, you will need to complete the following tasks using the criteria outlined below:
After reading and watching this week’s materials, address the following question:
Choose one example of an item of verbal folklore (either a riddle, a proverb, or a legend) that you are familiar with and explain why it fits the definition of that genre (for example, how do we know that your proverb is a proverb?) Do not just use the given definition with no further explanation (that is, do not write “This is a proverb because it is a traditional statement assumed to convey some ethical of philosophical truth,” tell us what truth it is thought to convey. What might you say about the cultural context? What characteristics of the genre does it show? Are there structural elements or specific functions that help categorize it?
You may use the internet to locate an example, but make sure to name the site you use in your post.
Respond to two peers.
Criteria For Success
Initial Post (DUE: Friday, May 17th by 11:59 pm EST) 5 pts
Your initial post will be evaluated using the following criteria. In the initial post the student scholar:
Uses the weekly materials to construct an academic argument that addresses the discussion question in a thorough and logical manner.
Correctly uses key terms and concepts. Thoroughly addresses all components of the prompt. Ideas are clear and on-topic.
Follows grammar conventions. The writing is concise and easy to read.
Writes approximately 250 words.
Response to Two Peers (DUE: Sunday, May 19th by 11:59 pm EST) 2.5 pts per response
Each of your two responses to peers will be evaluated using the following criteria. In each response, the student scholar:
Furthers the conversation by asking thoughtful questions, responding directly to statements of others, and contributing additional analysis. Builds on peers’ contributions by presenting logical viewpoints or challenges.
Follows grammar conventions. The writing is concise and easy to read.
Writes approximately 100 words.