Readings: 1. C. Bonneuil and J Fressoz, “Thanatocene: Power and Ecocide,” 122-147.2. Naomi Klein, “Decade Zero: One Way or Another, Everything Changes,” and “The Leap Years: Just Enough Time for Impossible.” in This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate. New York: Simon and Schuster. 2014. 1-28.3. A. Malm, How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight a World on Fire. London: Verso, 2021.QUESTIONS: Remember to cite specific page numbers in your answers. No quotations or outside sources are permitted. Work independently. Avoid plagiarism. Check you Turnitin similarity score.Question #1 (Total for Q.#1 including a and b: 500 words)Bonneuil and Fressoz argue (130), “By learning to kill humans in an efficient fashion, the military have also learned to kill living things in general.”a) How did WWII prepare the technological framework for mass consumption society? Discuss, with specific reference to:i) fishing capacity and expensive equipment, andii) gas warfare industry conversion to pesticides and herbicides.b) How have artificial fertilizers disturbed the natural biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen on a global scale? How did agriculture fertilization work prior to the late 1900s in the UK?Question #2 (Total for Q.#2 including a, b, and c: 500 words)a) What, according to Klein, is the significance of 2 degrees Celsius and 4 degrees Celsius of warming? b) Sufficient technological solutions are available, but underemployed. Andreas Malm and Naomi Klein agree that the capitalist world-economy operates “in fundamental disconnect from the sense and science of a planet on fire” thwarting sufficient climate action. Explain, with proper citation of readings.c) Provide a brief analysis of Malm’s central argument, and discuss its social, political and economic implications.Question #3 (Total for Q.#3 including a, b, c, d, and e: 500 words)a) What is “Lanchester’s paradox”? b) Why do you think there is a general deficit of action in response to climate breakdown? c) According to Malm, did Gandhi resist all forms of violence? Explain, with reference to Malm’s specific arguments (properly cited). d) Does Malm believe there is a phase beyond peaceful protest? Argue for or against the use of violence (that avoids human casualties), using Malm’s discussion as a basis of your argument, citing page numbers from his book. e) Citing his examples (and specific page numbers), explain Malm’s distinction between luxury and subsistence emissions. Do you think luxury emissions should be classified as a crime? Why or why not? Explain, citing Malm’s specific examples to illustrate your answer.
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