Does an asteroid need to hit Earth to do damage? Why or why not? 3. Many science fiction movies and TV shows have depicted using a nuclear weapon todestroy asteroids. What problem does Plait see with this plan?

Phil Plait: How to Defend Earth from Asteroids

What happened on the “dinosaurs’ bad day”? What was the effect of this?Does an asteroid need to hit Earth to do damage? Why or why not? 3. Many science fiction movies and TV shows have depicted using a nuclear weapon to
destroy asteroids. What problem does Plait see with this plan?What is one way that we could defend Earth from asteroids? What are the drawbacks of the method?Is Earth prepared to ward off a potential asteroid hit? Why or why not?
Carrie Nugent: Adventures of an Asteroid HunterHow does the speaker know that the lump of metal she is holding is an asteroid?How does the speaker “hunt” asteroids? Describe how teams of scientists collect data
about asteroids.Both speakers describe the asteroid that hit Earth and caused a massive extinction, including the decimation of the dinosaurs. The speakers describe the size of this asteroid in different terms. Summarize each speaker’s description and explain which one gives you a better picture of the size of this asteroid.Does Carrie Nugent agree with Phil Plait’s assessment that we can defend the Earth from asteroids? Why or why not?