Does the traditional perspective on patterns of assimilation apply to modern-day immigrants to the U.S.?” In other words, should we expect to see the same patterns of assimilation take place with contemporary immigrant groups?

we will begin applying sociological theories of immigrant assimilation to historical examples of ethnic immigration to America. In particular, we will focus on white ethnic groups such as the Irish, Germans, and Polish. Though these groups are considered white today, the American racial category of whiteness did not always include them. Indeed, anti-immigrant prejudice pervaded society as each of these immigrant groups began to gather in the United States. Over multiple generations, these groups assimilated into American culture. As they became old immigrants and other ethnicities emerged as new immigrants, prejudices shifted away from them and on to new targets. In Week 4, we will explore the details of this social process, identifying how underlying social conditions resulted in specific outcomes for specific ethnic groups. This exercise is vital for understanding why the landscape of racial/ethnic groups takes the shape it does in contemporary American society
This week’s material concerns the historical patterns of assimilation. On page 99 of your course textbook, the authors pose a question: “Does the traditional perspective on patterns of assimilation apply to modern-day immigrants to the U.S.?” In other words, should we expect to see the same patterns of assimilation take place with contemporary immigrant groups? The authors provide a short response to this question, and we will discuss contemporary immigration at length in this course. However, it is useful to reflect on what you have learned so far and attempt to apply these theories and concepts to the social world of today. Respond to the authors’ question in your own words. Use concepts and language from the course and course textbook to form a response that relies on a sociological perspective on immigration and assimilation. Your initial post is worth 20 points. You should also respond to two classmates, for 5 points each. This week’s discussion post is worth a total of 30 points.