dont start this until  Textbook Information:  Business and Professional Writing:

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Textbook Information: 
Business and Professional Writing: A Basic Guide 2nd edition by Paul MacRae; ISBN ISBN-13: 978-
1554814718, ISBN-10: 1554814715, 2019, Broadview Press.Draft the Introduction/Background, Mode of Analysis/Methodology, and Analysis of Data sections of your formal report. This is an individual assignment.
For your business report, we will use Exercise 2 in Chapter 18 of your physical text. We will use scenario #1 for this exercise. The information should read as follows: 
Exercise 2: You are a company that specializes in designing websites. You will write a formal report of no more than 22 pages following the report format and writing style we’ve discussed. 
Subject of your report: you have been commissioned to analyze two or three websites based on one of the following three scenarios. 
Scenario #1: Give suggestions for the design of a new website for an organization of your choosing, based on two or three websites in the same line of work as the website you have been asked to design. That is, the new website will be a combination of the two or three sites, picking the best features of each. For example, you could design a website for a new minor league baseball team based on the best elements of the websites of two or three minor league teams. 
Please read the remaining criteria on page 346 of your text for additional information regarding the report. We will use Chapter 20 as a guide to complete this assignment. 
Drafts can use chapter 20 as a template for page length, formatting, and spacing. TNR font size 12. Use the guidelines from your text and consider the following: 
Introduction/Background (p. 323, sample on p. 376)
How and why the report came to be written
The scope of the problem, of issue it addresses
The methodology that the report writers (that’s you) chose to tackle the issue
Why you were commissioned to do the report and the expertise you bring to the issue (this is where your hypothetical company’s information comes into play) 
Th reports significance 
Mode of Analysis/Methodology (p. 323, sample on p. 377)
Have 3-4 different criteria of what you’re looking for as your research
Within each criteria have 3 categories of information 
Take a look at the example in CH 20, and use this as  template
Analysis of Data (p. 323, samples begin on p. 378)
Look for 2-3 competitive companies for your website
Each company should address the following separately:
Company name as title
Include website URL
A brief opening paragraph that described what the company does
Subheadings of each criterium
Include research and observations based on your criteria and categories based on the company website
A brief 1-3 sentence summary of what your discussed for each company analysis