DQ you just saw an ad on television that states the majority of the population would vote to make smoking illegal

DQ you just saw an ad on television that states the majority of the population would vote to make smoking illegal

DQ you just saw an ad on television that states the majority of the population would vote to make smoking illegal

You just saw an ad on television that states the majority of the population would vote to make smoking illegal. The poll that is referenced shows 53% of those asked supported making smoking illegal. In the fine print at the bottom of the screen, you see that the margin of error is +/- 3%. What is your reaction? Explain.

claim to make smoking illegal can be supported and also because the 51% is included in the interval: (50%, 56%). ²hat being said, the margin o± error only helps esTmate how close or ±ar one is to or ±rom the truth about the populaTon based on the sample data and i± research or survey is conducted properly, the results ±rom the sample should be representaTve or close to the actual values ±or the whole populaTon. ²aking into consideraTon the margin o± error being +/- 3% based on the fne print o± the television adverTsement, as a non-smoker I would lean more towards making smoking illegal as I am certain that the people who smoke will argue that without a poll the proporTon would be 50-50 or that the numbers are not signifcantly high to warrant any acTon simply because they ±avor smoking