Drawing from this course, the final written signature assignment addresses four

Drawing from this
course, the final
written signature
assignment addresses four general topical areas as a comprehensive review of the
course material. These four (4) topical areas area as follows: 
• Area One [20%]: Discussion of a composer that intrigues you and how you think this
person influenced the history of music; your conclusion must be supported with
evidence. Please cover the following: (Please do Ludwig van Beethoven)
o The musical time period of the composer and the people and events that
shaped them. 
o Interesting historical facts about the composer. 
o Supporting evidence of the composer’s impact. 
• Area Two [20%]: Discussion of the musical time period that you are particularly
drawn to and why; please discuss the importance of the period on the history of
Western music as a whole. Again, your conclusion must be supported with
evidence. Please cover the following: 
o Important events and people that shaped and influenced this period. 
o Supporting evidence of this musical time period’s importance to music history
as a whole. 
• Area Three [20%]: Analysis of the aesthetic qualities of a musical piece of your
choice composed by someone you learned about during this course. Please include
the following: (Please pick a piece by Mozart)
o Historical background of the musical selection including time period,
composer biographical information and information about the musical
o An analysis of the musical elements (color, melody, harmony, rhythm) of the
musical selection, and how that information is used to evoke feelings and
emotions as you experience (watch and hear) that particular segment (1-2
• Area Four [20%]: Discussion of the three (3) ways this course has influenced
and changed the way you listen to or hear music. Please cover the following: 
o Be detailed. 
o Give specific examples and evidence of these changes. 
o Discuss what surprised you about these changes.
Content discussed in course:
Musical Terms discussed: beat and rhythm, meter, tempo, dynamics, timbre, melody and harmony, texture, music notation
Time periods covered in course: Middle Ages, The Renaissance, The Baroque, Classical Era (c. 1750 – 1820), Romantic Era (c. 1820-1900), 20th Century and Beyond
We also studied different cultures of early music. 
Be sure to have a clear introduction and conclusion in this paper.