Due dates:
Final Draft May 7th via Canvas
Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to present and support a clear thesis statement that addresses a topic you have chosen based on our class discussions/material (Michel Foucault/Artist of Choice). To accomplish that, you have gone through the research process, which includes: choosing a topic based on a reading/text; researching that topic; finding at least three independently researched sources (at least one being a primary source from your artist – the other two ideally secondary sources from the library database); formulating and reformulating your thesis statement; and composing a well-organized paper with sufficient evidence.
Minimum requirements:
1300 Words
Minimum of six (6) sources (including your primary source(s); stay away from reference works such as encyclopedias, (.com) nonacademic websites such as wikipedia and enotes.com., book reviews, and article abstracts.
Thesis statement identifying your position on your research topic
MLA format including works cited page
Here are some basic rules for this research paper:
an interesting introduction starting with a general statement about your topic, and then moving from general to specific to present your position on your topic.
well focused paragraphs on proving just one main point,
effective topic sentences in each paragraph; remember you SHOULD NOT use quotes as topic sentences,
ideas developed and supported with plenty of specific details and information from your sources (each paragraph SHOULD HAVE evidence)
a clear presentation of your position throughout your paper,
sentences free or almost free from errors,
quotations logically and grammatically integrated into your own sentences (CONTEXTUALIZED QUOTATIONS –See lectures); Quotations should be used sparingly and only when appropriate.
Research Paper Checklist
Success in the course depends much on how well you are able to understand information presented in class and how well you apply this information to your writing. To help give me a sense of how well everyone understands and is applying the information presented thus far, I will give special attention to the following aspects of your essay explained below:
The research paper should be written in a formal writing voice. Among other things, this means that you should avoid first-person references (the use of “I,” “me,” “my,” etc.), so you should not use phrases such as “I think that,” “I believe that,” or “in my opinion.”
Readers will know that the ideas you present in your paper are your own because you are the writer of the paper, so, as you write and revise your paper, you should delete any first-person references or any announcements such as “this paper will be about”.
You will need to use quotations from your secondary sources to help you support and develop your ideas, and every quotation should be integrated into one of your own sentences. In other words, you should make every quotation a part of one of your own sentences and should not have any quotation standing all by itself in your paper. You could simply put the author asserts (followed by a comma) before some quotations to make the quotations a part of your own sentences (check lectures on how to contextualize quotations given earlier in the course).
Using your sources: When referring to outside sources, be sure to use correct MLA documentation methods, including a Works Cited page. You should use parenthetical (in-text) citations when necessary. Be sure to make a clear distinction between your own ideas and those of others through appropriate signal, or introductory phrases (According to Smith…). Also remember that when referring to someone else’s argument, you will not only want to briefly summarize individual points but also respond to or in some way analyze the argument. (If you summarize or paraphrase, you still need to cite!). There should be a careful balance between your own words, thoughts, and analysis, and those of others. Do not overcrowd your paper with quotations. Quotations should be used sparingly and only when appropriate.
All quotations should be copied accurately, and you should avoid the use of long quotations (maximum of one block quote). Instead, use short, well-integrated quotations. When you use quoted words, cite adequately. Check MLA.
Proofread Carefully!
Your paper gives me a sense of how well you understand the basics of standard English usage, so make sure to proofread carefully to avoid and eliminate errors. Set your Microsoft Word spell checker to English!
Your paper should have its own original title page, as well as a MLA Style Works Cited (see the online manual for an example of a MLA-style research paper and Works Cited). It should also be thoroughly edited and proofread.
Use Times New Roman font 12
Double space between lines
Remove extra spaces between paragraphs
Set paper to 1 inch margins
Number pages in MLA format
Research Rubric (1)
Research Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis
7 pts
Presents perceptive, creative and analytical thesis
6 pts
Clear but perhaps less original thesis
5 pts
Thesis is clear but may be incomplete or not analytical.
4 pts
Thesis does not go beyond simple summary of source(s)
2 pts
No thesis
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Question
7 pts
Clearly addresses the research question in an original way.
6 pts
Clearly addresses the research question or task
5 pts
Engages with, but does not fully answer the question.
4 pts
Does not adequately address the question
3 pts
Little to no awareness of the question
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdea development
9 pts
Ideas are sophisticated, logically argued/developed and clearly related to the thesis.
8 pts
Uses effective supporting details, although relation to thesis could be more explicit.
7 pts
Some points need further development. Points may digress from the thesis.
6 pts
Most points underdeveloped.
5 pts
Does not develop any points.
0 pts
No Marks
9 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding of sources
7 pts
Demonstrates clear understanding of sources
6 pts
Demonstrates good understanding of sources
5 pts
Demonstrates reasonable understanding of sources
4 pts
Demonstrates unsatisfactory use, analysis and response to sources.
3 pts
Hardly refers to, or misunderstands source(s).
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis/Response to sources
7 pts
Provides sophisticated use, analysis and response to the sources. Consistently appropriate and correct citation of sources.
6 pts
Provides good use, analysis and response to the sources. Mainly appropriate and correct citation of sources.
5 pts
Provides fair use, analysis and response to the sources. Partly and appropriate and correct citation of sources.
4 pts
Provides unsatisfactory use, analysis and response to the sources. Often inappropriate and incorrect citation of sources.
3 pts
Little or no use or analysis of sources, which are usually plagiarized (if they are used at all)
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource integration
7 pts
Source(s) are integrated meaningfully to develop the thesis. Fluent use of signal phrases.
6 pts
Source(s) are mostly integrated meaningfully to develop the thesis. Good use of signal phrases.
5 pts
Source(s) are mostly used effectively and with sufficient context. Reasonable use of signal phrases.
4 pts
Sources are used without meaningful integration into the text; signal phrases not used
3 pts
Essay may use the ideas of others as its onw or make little to no use of sources.
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
7 pts
Student uses a clear system of organization based around the thesis.
6 pts
A clear system of organization is present, although connection to thesis may be unclear.
5 pts
A system of organization is used, although it may be overly formulaic or inappropriate
4 pts
Fairly arbitrary organization
3 pts
Little to no structure or control.
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraphs
7 pts
All paragraphs are unified and coherent.
6 pts
Most paragraphs are unified and coherent.
5 pts
Some problem with paragraphs but general progression is evident.
4 pts
Frequent problems with paragraph unity.
3 pts
Reads like a list rather than an essay.
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic Sentences
7 pts
Sophisticated and clear topic sentences which relate the topic to the thesis.
6 pts
Topic sentences are effective but less explicit.
5 pts
Topic sentences are sometimes lacking.
4 pts
Topic sentences are frequently lacking or unclear.
3 pts
Does not utilize topic sentences.
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTransitions
7 pts
Meaningful and elegant transitions provided
6 pts
Frequent and mostly appropriate transitions.
5 pts
Adequate but rather formulaic transitions.
4 pts
Transitions are frequently lacking or unclear.
3 pts
Does not utilize transitions.
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar
7 pts
Occasional grammatical errors that hardly ever affect understanding.
6 pts
Minor grammatical errors that rarely affect understanding.
5 pts
Some serious grammatical errors that may affect understanding.
4 pts
Frequent grammatical errors that often affect understanding.
3 pts
Message is obscured due to frequent grammatical errors.
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVocabulary
7 pts
Sophisticated use of vocabulary.
6 pts
Mostly appropriate and effective use of vocabulary.
5 pts
Competent but limited vocabulary and problems with word choice.
4 pts
Consistent problems with word choice.
3 pts
Meaning is obscured by poor word choice.
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitation and Works Cited
7 pts
Citation and works cited follows MLA format correctly
6 pts
Citation and works cited mostly follows MLA format correctly
5 pts
Citation and works cited is sometimes erroneous.
4 pts
Consistent citation and works cited errors.
3 pts
Poor knowledge of MLA citation
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat
7 pts
Format is well followed and mostly free from errors
6 pts
Formatting is mostly adequate
5 pts
Formatting is sometimes erroneous
4 pts
Format is consistently wrong
3 pts
Poor knowledge of MLA formatting
0 pts
No Marks
7 pts
Total Points: 100
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