During the last several weeks of our course, we’ve been thinking about literatur

During the last several weeks of our course, we’ve been thinking about literature as a form of argument and applying the classic tools of rhetoric to works of poetry and drama. This essay provides you the opportunity to think about Fences as an argument and develop a thorough rhetorical analysis.
Your task:
Write a 3-4 page, thesis driven rhetorical analysis essay using MLA format and include a Works Cited page.
What is August Wilson’s argument in Fences? Be specific. What rhetorical strategies does he employ (ethos, pathos, logos), AND how does he use the elements of drama/elements of fiction to effectively develop his claim?
Your analysis should be specific, thorough, and cite evidence from the text and, optionally, research evidence to support and illustrate your claims.
Reminders About the Focus of Rhetorical Analysis:
Rhetorical analysis is a way to examine other aspects: the elements involved, the techniques used, the context for the writing, and the author’s overall stance.
When writing a rhetorical analysis, you are NOT saying whether or not you agree with the argument. Instead, you’re discussing HOW the author makes that argument and whether or not the approach used is successful. Your focus should be not on WHAT the author writes but HOW s/he writes it. A rhetorical analysis explores an author’s use of rhetorical appeals. An appeal is an attempt to earn audience approval or agreement by playing to natural human tendencies or common experience.