Each student must create a PowerPoint presentation designed to educate a community group of adults about the nutrient. The presentation must include all the information required in the team discussion and provide guidance for the community about the assigned nutrient’s role in health promotion and disease prevention. Provide reliable/credible sources to support your presentation.
A portion of your Unit 6 Assignment grade will be based on your interaction within the team discussion while the remainder of your grade will be based upon the quality and completeness of your individual presentation.
A PowerPoint template is available for your use in creating this presentation. The template should be used as a guide only. Add your own wording into the template by writing over the existing information on each slide. Also, include graphics and/or a colorful background theme to enhance the presentation.The PowerPoint presentation should contain approximately 10 slides in total.
Information provided on the slides should be brief and bulleted. In the notes section, you will include your talking points as if you were presenting them to an audience. Remember, you want to tell a story during the presentation rather than having your audience reading your slides along with you during the entire presentation. The Writing Center has an excellent resource on Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations:
Purdue University Global Writing Center. (n.d.). Creating effective PowerPoint presentations. https://campus2.purdueglobal.edu/article/creating-…
Basic Assignment Expectations:
Includes a title slide, introductory slide, and conclusion slide.
Use images (with citations) as appropriate to create an effective and professional presentation.
Include short descriptions and labels – bullet points are encouraged.18 pt. font or larger recommended.
Talking points that would be presented to an audience are included for each slide (as appropriate) in the NOTES section of the slide.
Resources must be from reliable and/or scholarly sources. Your submission should have no evidence of plagiarism. Paraphrase information taken from references.
Include in-text citations on slides to identify information from your references. A separate slide at the end of your presentation should contain a list of references in APA format.
Your submission must be written in Standard English, using non-offensive, inclusive, and respectful language. It must demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics.