This TMA carries 40% of the course marks and is a compulsory component. It is to be done individually and not collaboratively with other students. You must submit it on time.
The cut-off date for this assignment is 20 February 2025, 2355hrs.
Note to Students:
• It is preferable that you submit your assignment in the form of a single MS Word file on or before the cut-off date shown above. The TMA is to be submitted electronically through Canvas. Follow the file naming instructions given in Canvas.
• You are to use the cover page (Appendix 1) in your submission. Read the declarations before you begin your assignment and keep a paper trail should you use AI tools.
• You are advised to submit your work no later than the day before the cut-off date in order to ensure that the submission is accepted in good time without technical glitch. Once you have submitted your TMA, the status will be displayed on the computer screen. You will receive a message if your TMA submission is successful (save a screenshot of this).
• Please note that each submission is limited by a total file size of 20MB.
Sometimes your submission can comprise photographs which are submitted together with the written component of the TMA. Please be mindful of the resolution and the filesize of all photographs should be checked by clicking on the properties. Please ensure confidentiality of children’s identities in photographs if these are used and that the necessary permissions are obtained.
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• Wrong file submissions will be subjected to mark deductions.
Appeals for re-submission will ONLY be accepted within 24 hours of stipulated deadline and considered on a case-by-case basis.
• Please remove and replace all names of persons and organisations mentioned in your assignment to keep their identities anonymous and confidential.
• 10% of the marks for this assignment will be attributed to the quality of your written presentation. The following aspects are included: Your expression and voice, clarity and flow, and also the mechanics of writing, which includes your adherence to the APA academic writing guidelines and submission requirements. Non-adherence to academic writing guidelines (including plagiarism) and over-reliance on the use of AI tools may have an impact on the marks awarded for the quality of writing.
• Word equivalent: 2,400 – 3,000 words (excluding references and appendices). Please indicate your word count on the cover page.
Plagiarism and Collusion:
You are expected to use appropriate APA 7th edition academic writing guidelines including the referencing format. Please ensure that all sources used in your paper are duly acknowledged, appropriately referenced and paraphrased. Note that the Similarity Index is NOT, by itself, an indicator of whether you have plagiarised or not. Review
https://rise.articulate.com/share/GlQuywqm9MmZkxbaGig0HjjFA73k7aBr#/ to avoid being flagged for suspected plagiarism (including self-plagiarism).
Question 1
The first part of this assignment requires you to work with your group (assigned in the first week of the course) to draw/illustrate an edible education poster. Just for Question 1, you may work collaboratively.
You should have already exchanged some preliminary comments and ideas about the edible education poster with your group members via the discussion board.
When putting the poster together, make sure to consider:
1) edible education standards, principles and values,
2) your group’s experiences with young children, as well as
3) your group’s own values, beliefs, dreams and goals.
Share an image of the poster (in the appendices). You may create a hand-drawn sketch (submit the scanned image) or use digital tools (e.g., Canva) to design the poster.
Then, work with your group to explain the elements of the poster, and why they were included. Describe how the poster communicates your group’s hopes for edible education in Singapore. Explain how your poster helps to defend the need for edible education in early childhood.
Use the course readings (e.g., Study Guide, journal articles) and multimodal resources (i.e., videos and images) introduced in Study Unit 1 to build a rationale for the poster’s design. Please include the names of your group members in your response. All group members should hand in the same response for this part of the assignment and will be awarded the same marks.
Please note, the text in your poster will not be included in the word count. Only your rationale for the poster will be included in the word count.
(30 marks)
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Question 2
The second part of this assignment requires you to observe and analyse the feeding practices used in your chosen video clip, as well as those used with children in your own context (e.g., children at your school or placement, young relatives—like sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and cousins—or friends’ children aged 6 and below).
To prepare for this part of the assignment, watch the following 10 Ellyn Satter clips:
• Eating with AJ is an adventure
• Madison and Daniel love feeding themselves
• Shaun is a picky eater
• Gage’s parents pressure him to eat
• Luis feels bad eating alone
• Flora enjoys her family meal
• Zubin stops eating after one bite
• Gracie’s parents worry she’ll get fat
• Tiara eats more than you can imagine
• Ashley’s sleep is restless
As you view each clip, you should:
• jot down detailed interpretations of each observation, focusing in particular on the feeding practices and the dispositions supported, and
• consider additional background information about the setting in which you observed these children.
(a) Select ONE (1) of the video clips to analyse the role of the adult caregivers. Compare and contrast the feeding practices observed in the chosen video clip with the mealtime experiences of children in your own context. What role did the caregivers play in the video clip? How similar or different is this from the role of adults who feed children in your context?
(10 marks)
(b) Describe ONE (1) specific mealtime experience you have observed in your own context. Examine and explain how this experience reflected or did not reflect researchbased feeding practices. Cite relevant research to support your response.
(10 marks)
Question 3
This third part of this assignment requires you to identify and explain a kitchen (i.e., cooking) or garden experience from your context (e.g., at your school or placement, with young relatives—like sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and cousins—or friends’ children aged 6 and below) and discuss how you would support children’s learning during the experience by asking productive questions.
(a) Describe a kitchen (i.e., cooking) or garden experience at your
centre/kindergarten/placement or with a young child in your life. Comment on how the learning goals were aligned or not aligned with the materials and resources used. Explain the connections between the kitchen/garden experience and TWO (2) academic subjects/learning areas. Discuss how engaging in the chosen experience facilitated learning in those learning areas.
(20 marks)
(b) Illustrate how you could make the learning connections from the kitchen/garden experience (described in question 3a) even clearer to children. Script out TWO (2) productive questions that you would employ to encourage investigation amongst children during the edible education experience. Imagine different ways in which the children might respond. Use the children’s various anticipated responses to choose appropriate follow-up questions.
(20 marks)
(Quality of Writing = 10 marks)
(Total = 100 marks)
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