ENGL 147N Week 4 Assignment: Con-Position Paper

ENGL 147N Week 4 Assignment: Con-Position Paper

ENGL 147N Week 4 Assignment: Con-Position Paper

Impacts of Video Games on Participants

Unlike every other games, video games pose more threat than good to its participants. Games such as: “God of war,” “Bullet Storm,” “Mortal Combat Series,” “Carmageddon,” “Call of Duty,” “Manhunt,” and other similar games should be avoided. This is due to their numerous undesirable impacts which include: psychological disorder, violence, and overactiveness among participants.

Firstly, video game leads to mental disruption among participants. Over the years, researches have continued to prove how video game disrupts the mental activities leading to psychological disorders among individuals. The effect of video games on individuals according to Scott et al (2016) includes: “reasoning biases, tendency to jump to conclusions, and personality disorders.” These consequences listed by Scott and his fellow researchers further make individuals turn out aggressive through a psychological theory known as “General Aggression Model.” While other researches might want to refute this stance with the fact that video games have contributed immensely to science and technology especially as a learning tool, it should be observed that there is a limit to everything and exposing individuals to violent video games end up exposing them to more harms than good.

Also, video games encourage and promote violence among individuals. Spending time playing video games is equivalent to growing up in a violent infused environment which is capable of influencing an individual’s perception on violence as the only way to resolve conflict, as with the case in video games. According to a research carried out by the university of Michigan Health System, studies spanning from the 1950s till 2010 observed a “link between exposure to media violence and violent behavior.” (Cart, 2010). After close observation of younger children between the ages of 6-7 around me who participates in violent video games, it is not surprising how hypersensitive they become immediately after playing games. Without reasonable doubt, video games promote violence among individuals, since it teaches them how to be more violent in all their approaches.

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Furthermore, video games trigger overactiveness in individuals. Children due to constant exposure to super hero video games tend to imagine themselves in the position of the super heroes in their video games, and in most times are likely to imitate the actions they saw on the video games.

This action according to Laycock (2015) makes children “dangerously overactive” as well as causing harm to other children. This is because children exposed to violent video games end up terrorising and victimzing other children who are not exposed to violence. To build a healthy and mentally stabilized environment for the younger generation, then video games need to be discouraged in order to curb overactiveness in children.

Unlike researches like Derby, (2014) which asserts that video game can be utilized for posttraumatic stress treatment, it should be noted that violent video games cannot be used for such. According to Cart (2010), it will rather create a disruption in an individual’s mental health and further make them view and internalize violence and aggressive behaviors positively. Such individuals with these kinds of perception end up becoming a threat to the society at large, thereby leading to societal or civil unrest. This is because such individuals will end up contributing more to the crime rate.

Conclusively, video games should be discouraged due to the inherent threat it poses to participants. Since individuals who engage in video games become vulnerable to different psychological instability and disorders such as: overactiveness, violence, and mental disruption.


Cart, M.(2010). A Literature of Risk. American Libraries, 41(5), 32-35. Retrieved May 19, 

           2020, from www.JSTOR.org/stable/2070050

Derby, J. (2014). Violent Video Games and the Military Recruitment, Training, and Treating    

             Mental Disability Art Education, 67(3), 19-25. Retrieved May 28, 2020, from   


Laycock, J. (2015). How the Imagination Became Dangerous. In Dangerous Games: What the

            Moral Panic over Role-Playing Games Says about Play, Religion, and Imagined Worlds

            (pp.210-240). Oakland, California: University of California Press. Retrieved May 19,

            2020, from www.JSTOR.org/stable/10.1525/j.ctt13X1hs5.11

Scott,C., Engelstatter, B., & Ward, M., (2016). Violent Video Games and Violent Crime.

            Southern Economic Journal , 82(4), 1247-1265.doi:10.2307/26632315.

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: pp. 69-81


Week 3 Assignment

Link (Word doc): Con-Paper TemplateDownload Con-Paper Template

Minimum of 3 academic articles (from the Week 3 Assignment)

Apply the following writing resources to your posts:

Link (multimedia presentation): Citing References in TextLinks to an external site.

Link (website): APA Citation and WritingLinks to an external site.


For this assignment, complete the following:

Review the Toulmin-model outline (Week 2 Lesson) and your completed Week 3 Assignment (Con-Position Proposal). Assess any feedback provided by the professor and/or your peers.

Compose a position paper representing the con side of your new topic. (See the Con-Paper Template). The paper should include approximately 6 developed paragraphs:

Introduction (with thesis statement)

Context paragraph

3 body paragraphs (focusing on 3 cons)


Apply a formal tone appropriate for academic audiences, maintaining an objective 3rd person point of view – no 1st person (I, me, my, we, our, us, mine) or 2nd person (you, your). Avoid contractions, clichés, and slang terminology.

Use the provided template to assist in formatting the title page and document.

Incorporate at least 3 scholarly sources into the paper. Cite all sources in APA format, both parenthetically and on a reference page.

Before submission, proofread and edit carefully for spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Not every error will be flagged automatically in word-processing programs, and some that are flagged as errors are actually correct.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 2-3 pages (not including the title or reference pages)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page (minimum of 3 academic articles)


This activity will be graded using the Con-Position Paper Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 3, 6

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday


Position Paper Grading Rubric – 125 pts (2)

CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength5 ptsMeets length requirement0 ptsDoes not meet length requirement5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePoint Analysis30 ptsThe central idea is developed and expanded with depth of critical thought.25.5 ptsThe central idea is discernible and developed.22.5 ptsThe central idea needs more development with points tying back to the thesis.18 ptsThe central idea is not developed, and the analysis lacks critical thought.0 ptsNo effort30 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport30 ptsThe writing supports claims with several detailed and persuasive examples.25.5 ptsThe writing supports claims with examples, but additional analysis or examples could strengthen the argument.22.5 ptsThe writing supports claims with examples, but the examples are not well-developed or examined. Additional examples and analysis are needed to make the argument more persuasive.18 ptsThe central idea is not well-supported by claims and/or examples.0 ptsNo effort30 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization25 ptsPaper is clear and cohesive. Introduction and conclusion support the overall flow of the paper.21.25 ptsPaper is basically clear and well-organized with a minimum of non-related material present.18.75 ptsPaper has some issues with clarity, flow, and cohesion. Paper lacks organization.15 ptsPaper lacks organization and has difficulty staying on track. Central themes are difficult to identify.0 ptsNo effort25 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting: Mechanics & Usage10 ptsThe writing is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that would detract from a clear reading of the paper.8.5 ptsThe writing contains a few major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, but the errors do not detract from a clear reading of the text.7.5 ptsThe writing contains some major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that need to be addressed for a clearer reading of the paper.6 ptsThe writing contains several major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that impede a clear reading of the paper.0 ptsNo effort10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity & Flow10 ptsThe writing contains strong word choice that clarifies ideas and masterful sentence variety aids with the flow of ideas.8.5 ptsThe writing contains varied word choice and sentence structures that clarify ideas and aid with the flow of ideas.7.5 ptsThe writing contains word choice and sentence structures that can be revised for better clarification of ideas and flow of ideas.6 ptsThe writing contains wording and sentence structures that are awkward and/or unclear, impeding the clarity and flow of ideas.0 ptsNo effort10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVoice5 ptsThe writing maintains third-person point of view/objective voice throughout the entire text.4.25 ptsThe writing maintains third-person point of view/objective voice throughout much of the text.3.75 ptsThe writing has some deviation from third-person point of view/objective voice that needs to be revised so as not to sound biased or patronizing.3 ptsThe writing deviates significantly from third-person point of view/objective voice that needs to be revised so as not to sound biased or patronizing.0 ptsNo effort5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format10 ptsAll sources are properly integrated and cited in the text and references page demonstrating a mastery of integrating resources and APA format.8.5 ptsMost sources are integrated and cited in the text and references page. Some minor errors may exist in integration and/or citation, but it does not interfere with understanding the source of the information.7.5 ptsMost sources are integrated and cited in the text and references page. Some errors may exist in integration and/or citation that need to be addressed to clarify the source of information.6 ptsSources are not properly integrated/cited in the text/references page. Formatting contains several errors that suggest a lack of understanding of the integration of resources and APA format.0 ptsNo effort10 ptsTotal Points: 125