ENGL147N Week 7 Discussion: Revision Plan

ENGL147N Week 7 Discussion: Revision Plan

ENGL147N Week 7 Discussion: Revision Plan

Welcome to Week 7! You can begin posting for credit on June 15. We have been working on the writing process, taking each step (prewriting, research, drafting) one-by-one over the course of this term. Now we have arrived at the revision stage of our process, which is a process all its own. As the lesson discussed, revision can be viewed as a three-part process: revision, editing, and proofing.

Joyce Carol Oates said, “The completion of any work automatically necessitates its revisioning.” This is true. Writing equals rewriting. It’s a very important part.

On this discussion board, you will be reflecting on your writing and then explaining the results of your tutoring service paper review with your peers.

For more reading on revision strategies, visit the OWL:

Steps for Revising. (n.d.). Retrieved December 19, 2018, from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/ (Links to an external site.)

Be sure to post by Wednesday and include your source.

Thank you, for providing your opinions on the revision plan. Earlier, I thought that why would somebody do the revisions, when the work is already done. Specially now  that time is of the essence with work,homeschooling ,school and other life demands and commitments. Now, after reading this plan, I know the real benefits of revision and proofreading. Revision is mandatory to understand your progress in the course, while finding out your weaknesses and strengths. You cannot find your weaknesses, until you revise your own papers. Proofreading is mandatory for finding out some mistakes that even the automated spell checker of Word or other software cannot find out. For instance, when you use a different word like “principle” instead of “principal” that have totally different meanings.

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I know! Time is an issue, more these days than before. At least, school is now out and you don’t have to worry about homeschooling. That has definitely made my life a little better, for sure! 

As you said, revision is very important. I believe that prewriting, drafting, and revision are equally important. Think about it: the prewriting stage is pretty extensive – researching, outlining, organizing. Obviously, the drafting stage is the part where you put all that hard work together and get your argument on paper. This is also where you are making sure you are including the right evidence and seamlessly going from point to point and trying to convince the writer. Finally, the revision is just as important. This is where you polish everything. This is where you really scrutinize everything, rewrite, and make sure to get that final product ready.

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Overall, I would say that I can be a decent writer but sometimes I struggle with two issues, procrastination, and writer’s block.  A lot of times, when I sit down to write, especially if there is no pressure from a looming deadline, nothing comes out.  Then when I only have a few hours to finish, the sentences start to flow a little easier, however, my grammar really suffers.  I did not realize how many run- on sentences I was producing, because I was not placing the comma in the right spot.  Plus, there is no time to proofread, never mind editing or revising.  

For the second paper, I decided to try things a little different.  I did not worry about writing my paper all in one sitting, I focused on one argument at a time, and produced some rough paragraphs. I was less concerned with writing the perfect sentence; I just tried to write the main point of my paragraph. By the end of the week, I had a completed rough draft, that I had time to revise and proofread.  I even had my sister in law proofread it for grammar errors.  More importantly though, it was the feeling of accomplishment getting it done early as opposed to waiting for the last minute.

I found the annotated bibliography to be a helpful tool for organizing the articles and main points.  I should probably utilize a formal outline a little more, however, mostly it was me just jotting down some notes on scrap paper that is next to me.  I feel I have a good understanding of how to write an introduction, thesis statement and conclusion. My weakness lies in trying to condense all the material and research into essentially a paragraph or two. I find that my arguments are hand- picked and do not necessarily tell the full story of the topic.

I have noticed that when I spot run-ons in student papers, they are almost always comma splices. In those cases, where you have the comma is where a new sentence should begin. A sentence should have a subject and a verb to be a complete sentence. If it is lacking one of those, it is incomplete. If it has a subject and verb and then a subject and verb, you have two complete sentences, and you have to correct that. Here is an example of a comma splice:

My entire family enjoys going to the mountains and camping near a flowing creek, we usually build a campfire and roast marshmallows when the weather is nice and warm.

The first clause is independent, because it has all parts needed for a complete sentence: Subject = My family; Verb = enjoys. The second clause is independent, because it also has all parts needed: Subject = We; Verb = build. So, we have two independent clauses. A comma will not suffice here. We can do one of three things.

1) add a conjunction after the comma

2) make these two separate sentences

3) place a semicolon where the comma is

My entire family enjoys going to the mountains and camping near a flowing creek, and we usually build a campfire and roast marshmallows when the weather is nice and warm.

My entire family enjoys going to the mountains and camping near a flowing creek.  We usually build a campfire and roast marshmallows when the weather is nice and warm.

My entire family enjoys going to the mountains and camping near a flowing creek; we usually build a campfire and roast marshmallows when the weather is nice and warm.

Does that make sense?

I consider myself a procrastinator, even tho we face difficult times and we don’t have so much time. When you produce texts in another language than your own, you are quite likely to run into difficulties that are different from those that you may experience when writing in your own mother tongue. Sometimes you are not certain exactly what is grammatically acceptable in English and what is not. Sometimes you know what is correct English but you still cannot apply this knowledge to construct a coherent and convincing argument. Sometimes you know exactly what you want to say, but you cannot seem to find the right words in English to do this.Even if you manage to come up with a sentence that expresses what you want it to express, it is sometimes the case that you feel that the level of formality or style is inappropriate for the type of text you are currently producing.

I noticed I had a lot more feedback on my essays this semester than last. The writing this semester was more difficult and demanding, but taught me a lot. I also found it hard to balance so many essays in this class combined with the other difficult class I am in.

The biggest problem I had, and the most important was my APA formatting. In week 2 I did not have the reference paper lining and spacing right, it looked unprofessional. I also forgot about them being in alphabetical order. There were some issues in my in text citations. I put (Garmy, P., Berg, A., & Clausson, E., 2015) instead of (Garmy, Berg, & Clausson, 2015). No first initials. This is important because it is very important not to plagiarize and give credit correctly. APA format will follow me through my years here at Chamberlain so it is important I get it right now, so it also won’t impact my grades.

My second biggest issue was writing a counter argument. The pro position paper was so easy for me, but when we started learning about the con paper I was confused.  I had to fix my thesis from the draft because it was more of a pro argument. I never had to write about an oppositions side, and it was hard not to put my own opinions in there. This got easier when we started the pro and con paper. Putting them all together helped me understand better, and why a counter argument is important. 

My third biggest issue was grammar. I had a few run on sentences and words that were there that didn’t need to be there, or periods where they shouldn’t be and vise versa. Sometimes I get overwhelmed when writing and it is easy to forget about the little corrections. Grammar is important because it makes writing look and sound more professional. 

Resources that helped me were the APA Links in the assignment modules. I listened and watched these slides a lot to make sure I had the formatting down. I also looked at con paper examples in the textbook to see if that would help me better understand them more. The lessons under each week were also helpful because they talked about grammar, and run on sentences.