Ensure that you have paraphrased your secondary research and direct quotes must

Ensure that you have paraphrased your secondary research and direct quotes must be acknowledged as such. All secondary research must be referenced using Harvard Referencing.
In the first instance, you will need to select a brand from a product or service sector of your
choice (For instance, Food/Beverage, Clothing/Footwear, Skin Care/Cosmetics,
Restaurants, Leisure/Entertainment, etc.). Your choice could range from a small
independent organisation currently targeting a small niche market to a global brand targeting
multiple markets, nationally and/or internationally.
o The brand should be briefly introduced.
Required Tasks:
Task 1 [Learning Outcome 1]:
Select ONE market where the brand does not currently operate. This market must be
culturally different from the brand’s home market. Discuss the basis on which this market is
classified as culturally different.
[10%]College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Cross-Cultural Consumer Behaviour (MKT6034)
Task 2 [Learning Outcome 1]:
Considering any cultural differences, discuss in depth the relevant individual, psychological
AND sociological factors that may influence the chosen market’s decision-making process
when purchasing your brand’s products.
Task 3 [Learning Outcome 2]:
Given the preceding findings and assuming the brand wishes to enter this market,
recommend the key marketing decisions that would be suitable for the market.
Marks are also allocated for the poster’s design, use of academic writing, quality of
voiceover presentation, and referencing.
Please see brief aswell for marking scheme to follow to ensure a good grade
It is very important to Select ONE market where the brand does not currently operate. The market must be
culturally different from the brand’s home market
Please see example posters included to see how to design this poster all work needs to be on one powerpoint slide and the references can be on another slide
Please provide a script as I will need to create a voice over to explain the poster and everything entailed
Lecture content is also included so please use this to create the work using theoretical frameworks relevant theories and related ideas please use in text citations aswell