EPE The Impact of COVID-19 on Event Policy: A Global, National, and Local Perspective | Essay

Assignment 1

Essay (1000-1500 words)

Use ChatGPT to answer this essay question.

With a focus on events, review the literature and policies that have arisen due to COVID-19 and indicate what significant changes to government policies (International, National and Local) eventuated for the “new normal”. Discuss how key stakeholders were affected by these policy changes and what the “new normal” means to a career in Event Management.

You will then need to provide an evaluation and critique of the ChatGPT essay.

You will need to use your Unit Readings and at least three HTC scholarly/academic, peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last three years to evaluate the ChatGPT essay in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of its response to the essay question. You are encouraged to use many other references to add to your evaluation/critique.

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The aim of this assessment is twofold.

  1. Communicate your level of academic and professional expertise in the discussion of events, policy, and evaluation.
  2. To provide you with the ability to interpret the value of ChatGPT in your professional career. Reflect and examine how your academic experience and knowledge provide a valuable addition to GenAI tools.

This essay must be written in the third person, with an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion, and you must use the APA 7th referencing system.

How It Is Assessed(summary)

This essay aims to develop the learning outcomes of the unit with emphasis on the following:

  • Your ability to discuss and demonstrate an understanding of basic theoretical concepts and themes in the study and application of event policy and planning. (30%)
  • Discussion of Global, National and Local government policies impacting event delivery.
  • High-level communication skills through the application of grammatically correct and well-edited writing. (20%)
  • The development of your research skills through interpretation and assessment/evaluation of academic material. (40%)

Your assessment outcome will be provided to you via the LMS…


Event Policy: From Theory to Strategy. Read Chapter 1,2,3,7,8

Book by David McGillivray, G. McPherson, and Malcolm Foley


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