Essay # 2 DUE May 2nd, 2024 Suggested Topics – Select one of the topics, A, or B

Essay # 2 DUE May 2nd, 2024
Suggested Topics – Select one of the topics, A, or B, or C, and write a critical analysis of 5 or more pages. Please use MLA Format
Closely examine the Introductory or “frame” sections of The Thousand and One Nights, and the stories included in Norton, and discuss the situations, issues, and concerns raised in each. Why and how are these crucial, and what do they illustrate or expose? How do they provide important connections, and how do you see tension, fear, anxiety, or social hostilities in the situation of the storytellers and the varieties of tales they tell? You must include discussions of ONLY the tales in Norton.
Next, also please bring out the issues of power and suppression, the contrasts, ironies, social comments, or challenges portrayed in the 20th Century story by Rasheed Jahan in “Woh”.
Two texts must be discussed
Discuss Hamlet as a Revenge play, explaining how Shakespeare uses the typical elements of revenge drama to say/show something more complex. You must look closely into the influence of the Renaissance, the overall situation in the Danish court, into Hamlet’s frame of mind, as well as into his modes of thinking based on his temperament. Compare Hamlet with Jahan’s story, “Woh” and discuss the way the problems of political and social powers are portrayed in the characters’ struggles.
Two texts must be discussed
Compare in detail the role of women in The Thousand and One Nights and Jahaan’s story, “Woh.” Show how the story elements – characters, plots, fantasy, symbolism, violence – present human and social questions, raise criticism, and make comments on issues. How is Jahaan’s work different or more penetrating? Comment on all the stories in detail.
Use ONLY the stories included in Norton for Thousand.
Two texts must be discussed
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