Essay Assignment 1: Documented Literary Analysis Your literary analysis essay will be on the novel Sula by Toni Morrison. You can choose from any of the topics listed below (recommended) or explore further topics in the chapter on Sula, in the book How to Write about Toni Morrison (linked here for your convenience). Your literar

Essay Assignment 1: Documented Literary Analysis
Your literary analysis essay will be on the novel Sula by Toni Morrison. You can choose from any of the topics listed below (recommended) or explore further topics in the chapter on Sula, in the book How to Write about Toni Morrison (linked here for your convenience).
Your literary analysis should be between 2 \ and 3 pages (600 to 750 words), not including the Works Cited page, should be double spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font and must meet the following criteria:
• A clearly articulated thesis that states, somewhere in your introduction, the assertion (position, interpretation) that your paper will prove
• An introduction, a minimum of 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion
• At least two quotes from the novel itself that are integrated into your discussion
• At least two citations of outside sources (such as literary criticism on the novel). At least one source should come from the MDC databases. All sources must be academic.
• Topic sentences that focus the discussion of the body paragraphs
• Examples, details, explanations in the body paragraphs that clearly support your thesis
• Clear connections between ideas from paragraph to paragraph and within paragraphs