Evaluating the Impact of Practice Changes in Healthcare Settings: Insights from Recent Implementations

**Discussion Responses**

**Response to Sabita Bhusal**

Sabita, your analysis of the implemented practice changes and their impact on your clinic provides a clear view of the positive outcomes achieved. Your discussion on the integration of telehealth, optimization of the EHR system, time management workshops, and enhanced patient education materials highlights the comprehensive approach taken to address the practice problem.

**Expansion on Telehealth and EHR Optimization:**

While telehealth and EHR optimization have significantly improved clinic efficiency and patient care, consider exploring additional metrics to measure success. For instance, tracking specific patient outcomes related to telehealth visits, such as reduced hospital readmission rates or improved management of chronic conditions, could further demonstrate the benefits of this approach. Similarly, evaluating the impact of EHR optimization on clinical decision-making processes and patient safety could provide a more nuanced understanding of its benefits.

**Additional Perspective on Time Management Workshops:**

The time management workshops have evidently enhanced staff efficiency and morale. It might also be beneficial to assess the long-term sustainability of these improvements. For example, periodically reviewing the effectiveness of time management strategies and providing refresher courses or ongoing support could help maintain and build upon the initial gains.

**Further Reflection on Patient Education:**

Your focus on improving patient education materials is commendable. To maximize the effectiveness of these materials, consider incorporating patient feedback into the development process. This could involve surveys or focus groups to ensure that the materials are comprehensible and meet the needs of a diverse patient population. Additionally, evaluating how these materials influence patient adherence to treatment plans over time could offer further insights into their impact.

**Response to Qwinnetta Stokes**

Qwinnetta, your initiative to develop a staff education module for pediatric burn care addresses a critical gap in nursing education. The positive reception from nurses and the alignment with the DNP essentials underscore the value of this project in enhancing care for burn patients.

**Expansion on Educational Impact:**

The feedback from nurses regarding the value of specialized burn care education highlights the need for ongoing professional development. To further support this, consider establishing a framework for continuous learning in this area. This could include advanced training sessions, simulation exercises, or collaboration with burn care specialists to ensure that nurses remain updated with the latest practices and research.

**Alternative Perspective on Project Management:**

Your experience as a project manager provides valuable insights into the complexities of leading such initiatives. It might be helpful to share specific strategies or tools you found effective in managing the project. For example, detailing your approach to team collaboration, conflict resolution, or tracking project milestones could offer practical guidance for others undertaking similar projects.

**Further Reflection on Empowering Front-Line Staff:**

Empowering front-line staff is indeed crucial for improving patient care. To strengthen this approach, consider exploring how other healthcare settings successfully empower their staff and integrate their feedback into practice improvements. Benchmarking with these settings could provide additional strategies and inspire innovative solutions for your own practice.


Both responses showcase valuable insights into practice changes and their impacts on healthcare settings. By expanding on specific outcomes and incorporating continuous feedback mechanisms, both projects can further enhance their effectiveness and sustainability.



Discussion_ responses

Impact of the Problem


Read a selection of your colleagues’ blog posts and  respond to two of your colleagues by expanding upon their responses or sharing additional or alternative perspectives.


Sabita Bhusal

Impact of the Practice Problem and Implemented Changes

Throughout this practicum experience, identifying the practice problem, proposing practice changes, and implementing those changes presented considerable challenges. Nevertheless, by articulating the benefits and enduring impact of the project, it became feasible to effectuate the desired practice changes(Laukka et al., 2020). Initially, our busy clinic’s lack of time for patient consultations led to several critical issues, including rushed patient interactions, insufficient time for thorough assessments, and decreased patient satisfaction. This practice problem necessitated a comprehensive approach to improve time management and optimize patient care(Nilsen et al., 2020). The implemented changes included using telehealth for simple visits, optimizing the electronic health record (EHR) system, time management workshops for staff, and enhancing patient education materials.

Impact of Practice Change on Healthcare Organizations and Nursing Practice

Telehealth for Simple Visits: The integration of telehealth for routine consultations, such as medication refills and lab follow-ups, has had a lasting impact. It has reduced the number of in-person visits, allowing for more efficient use of clinic time and resources for more complicated and needed patient care. For example, telehealth consultations have enabled us to accommodate a higher volume of patient interactions in the clinic, particularly during peak hours, while maintaining the quality of care. This has improved patient satisfaction, as they experience shorter wait times and greater convenience and care.

Optimized Electronic Health Record (EHR) System: Streamlining the EHR system with features like voice recognition and automated documentation has reduced the time providers spend on administrative tasks. This has allowed them to focus more on direct patient care. Reduced documentation time has also decreased the likelihood of burnout among healthcare providers, as they can complete their work more efficiently. The automated processes have minimized errors in patient records, ensuring higher accuracy and reliability in patient data management.

Time Management Workshops for Staff: The time management workshops have equipped staff with the skills to prioritize tasks and manage their time more effectively. This training has led to improved workflow efficiency and reduced stress among staff members. For example, by implementing techniques learned in these workshops, staff have streamlined their daily routines, leading to a more organized and cohesive work environment. This improved the clinic’s overall efficiency and increased staff morale and job satisfaction.

Enhanced Patient Education Materials: Developing comprehensive and accessible patient education materials has empowered patients to understand better and manage their health conditions. These materials have been instrumental in reducing the frequency of follow-up visits for clarification, as patients are now better informed. For instance, clear instructions on medication usage and lifestyle modifications have enabled patients to adhere to their treatment plans more effectively, resulting in improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Value of Leading the Practice Change

Leading this practice change has been a transformative experience. It has provided invaluable insights into the complexities of implementing systemic changes in a healthcare setting. Working closely with my preceptor and leading a multidisciplinary team has honed my leadership and communication skills. It has been enriching to see the team collaboratively embrace the changes and work towards improving patient care.

The value of this experience lies in the practical application of evidence-based strategies to address real-world challenges. It has reinforced the importance of continuous improvement and adaptability in healthcare(Harrison et al., 2021). The opportunity to lead and implement these changes has also highlighted the critical role of leadership in fostering a culture of innovation and excellence in nursing practice.


In summary, the practice changes implemented in response to the identified problem have had a profound and lasting impact on the clinic’s operations, patient care quality, and staff well-being. The experience has underscored the value of evidence-based practice changes and equipped me with the skills and confidence to lead similar initiatives.


Harrison, R., Fischer, S., Walpola, R. L., Chauhan, A., Babalola, T., Mears, S., & Le-Dao, H. (2021). Where do models for change management, improvement, and implementation meet? A systematic review of the applications of change management models in healthcare. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 85–108.

Laukka, E., Huhtakangas, M., Heponiemi, T., & Kanste, O. (2020). Identifying the roles of healthcare leaders in HIT implementation: a scoping review of the quantitative and qualitative evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8), 2865. doi  https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17082865Links to an external site.

Nilsen, P., Seing, I., Ericsson, C., Birken, S. A., & Schildmeijer, K. (2020). Characteristics of successful changes in health care organizations: an interview study with physicians, registered nurses, and assistant nurses. BMC Health Services Research, 20, 1–8.







Qwinnetta Stokes

Initial Post

The problem I identified was the lack of education that pediatric bedside nurses receive related to burns. My solution for this problem was to create a staff education module for these staff nurses to feel more comfortable caring for these patients. While implementation is not quite finished, there were many lessons to be learned. The most was learning that our nurses value education. This had been an issue of discussion for a while, especially after it was announced that we would be the new burn center and that our unit would house most burn patients. Nurses began asking for special education relating to burns. These requests for training helped management and me to know that our nurses are open to learning new skills to care for our patients. They are open to change when it benefits their patients (Farthing et al., 2022). This has been of great value to the nurses and patients. Nurses feel more comfortable taking care of this population and patients will (hopefully) see better outcomes. It has also been valuable to me as a student. This project has allowed me to work in the domain of the second and third DNP essentials regarding systems thinking and clinical scholarship (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006). Working with my faculty and preceptor has opened my eyes to how prevalent the process is, so much so that there are roles focused exclusively on quality and clinical outcomes. My preceptor inhabits one of these roles in my facility and it has been a great experience working with her. I have also learned that being a project manager and leading a team requires a lot and incorporates many moving parts. It has shown me how empowering nurses (and other front-line staff) is so important because they are invaluable to patient care and have unique placement to see patient and provider/systems thinking (Raderstorf et al., 2020).


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2006).  The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. https://www.aacnnursing.org/Portals/42/Publications/DNPEssentials.pdf

Farthing, J., Le May, S., & Gauvin-Lepage, J. (2022). Developing and pilot testing e-learning training for pediatric nursing burn care.  The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,  53(5), 232–240. https://doi.org/10.3928/00220124-20220414-01

Raderstorf, T., Barr, T. L., Ackerman, M., & Melnyk, B. M. (2020). A guide to empowering frontline nurses and healthcare clinicians through evidence‐based innovation leadership during COVID‐19 and beyond.  Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing,  17(4). https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12451

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