Everyone in the class is active users of social media. Before going for your clinical Practice (CP), the hospitals insist the students: Ethic Law Healthcare Nursing Assignment, NUS

Scenario 1

Everyone in the class is active users of social media. Before going for your clinical Practice (CP), the hospitals insist the students attend an orientation program about the ‘do’s and don’ts on social media’ relating to their hospital policy and the consequences.

On your social media page, you read a recent post from your classmate who is with you during your CP.

The post reads ‘a 13-year-old admitted for mid-trimester pregnancy termination (TOP) and whose boyfriend is 15 years old, which happens to be a police case’. Your classmate adds a remark “These people should be studying instead of undertaking sex”.


Who is involved in this scenario? Are there others as well not mentioned in the scenario? What is the problem or dilemma in this scenario?

Scenario 2

At the beginning of each shift, there is a standard handover report for the continuity of care. This is usually carried out at the patient’s bedside when the outgoing staff nurse will introduce the incoming staff nurse to the patient. They will change the names of the nurse in charge on the board outside the cubicle. The incoming staff will check the IV site and intravenous fusions in progress for accuracy and patency. They will also answer any questions that patients may have. You have noticed that during your Clinical Practice (CP)
that this only happens when the Nursing Manager (NM) is on duty, otherwise this takes place outside the cubicle along the corridor.


Who is involved in this scenario? Are there others as well not mentioned in the scenario? What is the problem or dilemma in this scenario?

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