AMN423 Strategies for Creative Advertising Assessment 3 – Execution and Evaluation – Worth 40%
100 to 85 marks
84 to 75 marks
74 to 65 marks
64 to 50 marks
49 to 0 marks
Social and Ethical Understanding
Analysis and
understanding of
the product and
the target market
(5 marks)
You use secondary research to
demonstrate an excellent
understanding of the product, its
positioning in the category, its
competitors and its relation to the
target market. You provide a detailed
and well researched target audience
analysis. This goes beyond basic
demographics to understand their
emotional and rational connection
with the product. In doing so, and
throughout the analysis, you apply
ethical reasoning, standards and
relevant codes of practice to make
decisions informed by social and
cultural understanding.
You demonstrate strong use of
secondary research to define the
product, its competitors and its
position in the category. This is
well presented and links with the
consumer and an understanding of
their needs and aspirations.
You demonstrate consideration
and application of the relevant
codes of practice, where
appropriate. You also practice
social and cultural understanding in
developing the campaign.
You demonstrate a sound
understanding of both primary
and secondary research. This is
well presented and links to the
advertising problem. The
advertising problem is generally
well articulated.
You demonstrate knowledge of
the relevant codes of practice
and ensure that the campaign
meets these standards.
You use some research to
support your identification of
the product and its position in
the category. You also
describe the target market and
its relationship with the
product. You demonstrate
some consideration of the
relevant codes of advertising
practice and the social and
cultural consequences of your
You fail to use research to
support your analysis of the
product and the target market.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Evaluation of
strategic approach
(10 marks)
You make a detailed and well
researched analysis of the
advertising strategy. This includes the
evaluation of the advertising problem,
objectives and consumer insight and
their connection with the articulated
strategy. It considers past campaigns
and competitive approaches. Your
argument is clearly and logically
explained and your conclusions well
You make a strong analysis of the
advertising strategy, relating it to
the advertising problem, objectives
and consumer insight. You
compare it with past campaigns
and competitive approaches. Your
analysis is clearly and logically
explained and well justified.
You make a sound analysis of
the advertising strategy, relating
it to the advertising problem,
objectives and consumer insight.
You consider past and
competitive campaigns and your
analysis is adequately explained.
You present an analysis of the
advertising strategy, relating it
to the advertising problem,
objectives and consumer
insight. You provide some
justification for your decisions.
You fail to present an
evaluation of the advertising
strategy, which considers the
problem, objectives, insight or
Knowledge and Skills
Analysis of Big
Idea and
(10 marks)
You provide an in-depth analysis of
how the strategy builds on the
consumer insight and discuss the
effectiveness of the approach used.
Your analysis is both creative and
innovative, considering the strengths
and weaknesses of the campaign
idea. In this analysis, you use theory
to investigate the execution of the
You provide a thorough analysis
of the link between the consumer
insight, the strategy and the
creative execution. Your strong
analysis of the strengths and
weaknesses of the campaign is
underpinned by the use theory.
You provide a good analysis of
the link between the consumer
insight, the strategy and the
creative execution. You consider
the strengths and weaknesses of
this approach and relate it to
You provide a sound analysis
of the link between the
consumer insight, the strategy
and the creative execution.
You make some analysis of
the strengths and weaknesses
of this approach.
You fail to analysis the big
idea and its execution by
considering its link to
consumer insight, strategy
and theory.
(10 marks)
Your creative recommendations show
your understanding of the research,
the consumer and the competition to
develop your proposition into the next
“big idea”. It is well explained and
articulated. This is an outstanding
concept that extends the current work
This is a strong concept which
answers the creative strategy and
shows good insight into the
consumer. You have explained
how it extends from and adds
value to the current campaign.
You have developed a concept
which builds from the creative
strategy and your understanding
of the consumer. Your concept is
of a good standard and there is
demonstrated connection to the
current campaign.
You have developed a
concept which is adequate
and appropriate and shows
some extension from the
current campaign.
The concept you have
developed is of a weak
standard and is not supported
by the creative strategy or the
Professional Communication in an Intercultural Context
Clarity and
persuasion of
written expression
and appropriate
use of references
to justify argument.
(5 marks)
You organize content clearly and
concisely and make no technical
errors. Your arguments flow logically
and are supported by strong
justification. You draw from relevant
research to justify every statement you
make. You correctly use APA
You organize content clearly and
make very few technical errors.
You consistently justify your
argument. You correctly use APA
You organize content clearly and
make few technical errors. You
mostly provide justification for
your argument or decisions. You
correctly use APA referencing.
You attempt to organize
content clearly and make
some technical errors. You
provide limited or weak
support for your argument or
decisions. You correctly use
APA referencing.
You present content in an
incoherent way and make
frequent technical errors. You
do not justify your argument or
use the correct APA
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