Exercise 2
This exercise will be a chance to prepare for the Research Brief. It has three sections.
I. Begin by reflecting on your research thus far. What have you come to realize and understand about the subject generally? What have you learned that seems striking, surprising, important, and/or worth highlighting in the brief? Be detailed and specific.
II. Next, how have you come to the different types of stakeholders? Who are they and what are their different ways they are connected/impacted?
III. Next, explain your research process thus far. What steps have you used? What important sources have you found? What discoveries have you made about research in general?
• MLA style formatting, including a title
• Typed and double-spaced
• Times New Roman font. 12 pt.
• One inch margins
Two complete pages.
Ten points possible for 1) being precise about what you’ve discovered about the issue and stakeholders 2) the depth and detail with which you describe your understanding of research and 3) academic ethos by following format and presenting writing that is mostly free of mechanical errors
Paper in the files did before this assignment to give you idea what I have done before
These are the sure that I have found
Conniff, Ruth. “Getting Past toxic partnership: Dairy farmers and undocumented workers.” Wisconsin Examiner, October 24, 2022. https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2022/10/24/getting-past-toxic-partisanship-dairy-farmers-and-undocumented-workers/
Flynn, Adcock et al. “The Economic Impacts Of Immigrant Labor On US Dairy Farms.” Center for North American Studies (2015): 2-21. https://www.nmpf.org/wp-content/uploads/immigration-survey-090915.pdf
Perez, Maria. “Wisconsin’s Dairy Industry Would Collapse Without the Work of Latino Immigrants-Many of Them Undocumented.” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Vol, 2, No. 11, (2020). https://www.jsonline.com/in-depth/news/special-reports/dairy-crisis/2019/11/12/wisconsin-dairy-farms-rely-immigrant-workers-undocumented-laborers/2570288001/
Sanchez, Mellisa and Jameel, Maryam. “Wisconsin’s dairy Industry Relies on Undocumented Immigrants, but the State Won’t Let Them Legally Drive.” ProPublica, August 3, 2023. https://www.propublica.org/article/wisconsin-dairy-undocumented-immigrants-drivers-licenses#:~:text=To%20corral%20the%20cows%2C%20milk,they%20know%20is%20largely%20undocumented
Tran, Emily. “How did undocumented immigrants come to dominate the workforce on U.S dairy farms?” Ask a Historian, (2020). https://history.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/202/2020/12/ask-a-historian-transcriipt-s2e6.pdf
Wagner, Trisha. “How Wisconsin’s dairy industry came to rely on immigrant labor.” Farm Progress, February 7, 2018. https://www.farmprogress.com/dairy-cattle/how-wisconsin-s-dairy-industry-came-to-rely-on-immigrant-labor