Exhibit Chosen = Whitney Museum Whitney Biennial 2024: starts March 20 Harold Co

Exhibit Chosen = Whitney Museum
Whitney Biennial 2024: starts March 20
Harold Cohen: Aaron (the evolution of AI program for artmaking
First it is a good idea to get acquainted with exhibition reviews by reading magazines such as: Art in America, Art News or the online magazine Hyperallergic.com. Each of these has a substantial review section at the end and they all are available in the library. The Friday Art section of the New York Times also contains weekly reviews of current exhibitions in New York.
When writing a review, keep in mind that you are trying to inform the reader about an exhibition that you saw, and that she or he hasn’t. You need to include pertinent information: location, dates, artists, and to describe some of the works, so that you communicate to the reader a precise idea of what the exhibition is about. Then discuss what you found interesting, or not and why you liked or disliked it.
In most galleries and museums there are brochures or press releases and various materials that are available and free. Ask for them at the desk in galleries and at information desks in museums. These materials will help you to write a review with information regarding the artists or the show.
*****Your review should include:
1- The location (gallery, museum), title, name(s) of the artist(s), dates of the exhibition.
2- Describe the content of the exhibition from a general point of view: is there one or several themes, what are the mediums used, and most importantly, what are the issues/questions raised by the exhibition. Describe and discuss each of these aspects. If there is no specific theme, try to explain what the exhibition is about (a survey of an artist work, a selection of works from a certain period…)
3- Select a few objects (two are sufficient in most cases) that you find particularly relevant and interesting and analyze them more specifically. Analyze in details the visual and conceptual contents, the meaning, specific aspects involved.
4- Additional research about the artist(s) is necessary to complete your review. Who is the artists, what he/she is known for? Try to relate the particular exhibition or the works described to the career of the artist (is there a definite style, are they changes from previous works or previous exhibition. Does the artist hold a place in a movement or a group of artists?
5- Give your opinion about the exhibition. Support your opinion with specific examples/ideas.
CITE the references you used for your essay WHEN NEEDED: when you use information from a gallery or museum brochure, a press release or any other source of information, such as websites. Use the MLA format (author’s name. Year of publication) in the body of your essay. Add a cited source page at the end of your essay with all the sources used in alphabetical order.