Explain one of Śaṅkara’s criticisms of Buddhism. Explain at least one reply that a Buddhist could offer against this criticism. How could Śaṅkara defend his argument against this reply? In view of these considerations, does Śaṅkara’s criticism give us a good reason to r

Explain one of Śaṅkara’s criticisms of Buddhism. Explain at least one reply that a
Buddhist could offer against this criticism. How could Śaṅkara defend his argument
against this reply? In view of these considerations, does Śaṅkara’s criticism give us a
good reason to reject the Buddhist teaching against which it is directed?
This is a philosophy essay please make sure you understand philosophy and NO PLAGIARISM.
NO AI WRITING we have very strong Ai Checkers.
24 minutes ago
You Are just editing this essay not rewriting it.
24 minutes ago
The essay is already fully written there are just some edits that need to be made.

The post Explain one of Śaṅkara’s criticisms of Buddhism. Explain at least one reply that a Buddhist could offer against this criticism. How could Śaṅkara defend his argument against this reply? In view of these considerations, does Śaṅkara’s criticism give us a good reason to r appeared first on My blog.