Exploring Mood and Visual Rhetoric in the Short Film Piper Piper is a heartwarming short film created by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Alan Barillaro. It tells the story of a young sand

For the purposes of this assignment, we are focusing only on the short films that have been assigned in class. Pick one short film to do an short critique on.
Use your visual rhetoric vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding of the course material. Make sure to provide a brief summary and information about the film before you begin your critique.
Describe the general mood of the short film and how it changes through the film? This should be an adjective. Describe the mood captured through camera angles throughout the
film. Give at least three specific examples. Make sure the explain the
meaning and impact of each example.
Describe the mood captured through color and/or light throughout the
film. Give at least three specific examples. Make sure the explain the
meaning and impact of each example.
Describe the mood captured through sound and/or music throughout the
film. Give at least three examples. Make sure the explain the meaning
and impact of each example
Paper must be written in MLA formatting.
You must have a clearly articulated thesis statement in your introduction. There is no length requirement but has to have a minimum of five
paragraphs (introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion).
You may use first person but you must maintain an objective and
neutral tone. Avoid using words and phrases that can create bias.
Must use and cite (both internally and externally) at least three sources. Works cited should start on new page and be formatted in proper MLA format.

The post Exploring Mood and Visual Rhetoric in the Short Film Piper

Piper is a heartwarming short film created by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Alan Barillaro. It tells the story of a young sand appeared first on assignmentscribe.blog.