Instructions for Mendez v. Westminster Textbook Account
Using evidence from the sources you read and saw in class, write a textbook account of the Mendez case for a class of 11th-grade U.S. history students. (350-500 words)
Your textbook account must include the following:
Chapter Title
A chapter title (Try to avoid using “Mendez v. Westminster” or anything similar.)
When and how the Mendez case began
What happened during the Mendez case
The results of the Mendez case
Why Mendez is or is not important to U.S. history
A quick sketch
Caption explaining the image
Review Questions
Two to three review questions you would ask students reading your textbook account.
Questions should require students reading your account to describe the most important things of the Mendez case.
The post Fighting for Equality: The Mendez Case and the Desegregation of Schools in California
Chapter The Fight for Equal Education
The Mendez case was a landmark civil rights case that took place in California during the appeared first on