file systems are essential elements of an operating system (OS). Without file systems, it would be impossible to load applications or even to store data files. Whether in the home or in the office, you must understand what it takes to manage storage devices. You should be familiar with what is necessary to prepare devices that enable users to store, manage, and retrieve files. As covered in this unit’s learning materials, there are numerous file systems for each OS. In other words, each operating system supports several compatible file systems.
Create a 1-page MS Word document that contains the following:
Cover page (does not count toward the 1-page requirement)
Your full name
Course code, session, and section (e.g., ITCO-211-2203A-01)
Submission date
Assignment name (Unit 2 IP2)
Page 1: Briefly describe 2 file systems; include their purpose.
Reference page in APA format, if applicable (does not count towards the 1-page requirement).