Final Grade Designed to broaden your knowledge of a specific nutrition related topic in pediatrics, to improve your ability to critically review research, and to lead a discussion of your assigned topic.

Assignment Task

Journal Club/ Presentation

Final Grade Designed to broaden your knowledge of a specific nutrition related topic in pediatrics, to improve your ability to critically review research, and to lead a discussion of your assigned topic.

Each student will obtain a current research article (within the last 5 years) that assesses/ investigates an MNT intervention in a pediatric population.Articles require my prior approval and should also be submitted with your assignment.Write a 1 page (double spaced, 12pt font) summary of your article that includes:


What is the problem, question, or hypothesis the study addressed?What was known about this topic before the study?


Population studied (inclusion/exclusion criteria)How was the study done? (study design)


What did the researchers find?


What were the limitations of the study?

How do the study findings relate to what is/Was already known about the topic/intervention?


What are the implications of the study?

Each student is responsible for presenting their journal article in front of the class and leading class discussion on the topic (education tools are optional, i.e. PowerPoint/handout). You should be prepared with at least 3 questions to encourage discussion. Presentations should be 5-10 minutes in length including time allowed for discussion.You will be evaluated on your critical thinking and oral presentation skills.Participation in classmates’ discussions will also count toward your participation grade.