
• Answer this question: What do these findings tell you about the health of this community? Are any obvious gaps? Resources and references • Resources and references for this section • Work out how to include the answers from your interview questions here.
4.2. Safety This element explores how safe people feel in this community.
Background Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
Examine crime rates, types of crimes, protective services, etc. Identify the presence of those things that make people safe such as school crossings, road or waterway barriers, traffic lights, etc. What other things demonstrate feelings of security or fear within this community (bars on windows, locking cars/houses, security cameras, etc.)? Are there other health safety issues such as rubbish collection, vermin control, wildlife on roads, etc? *How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria overall? Impact on health
• Answer this question: How safe does your community feel? How does this influence the
health of the population?
Resources and references
• Resources and references for this section
• Work out how to include the answers from your interview questions here.
4.3. Government and Politics This element looks at the different levels of Government and their impact on this community.
Give information and data about the community. If applicable, compare with data from the Local Government Area (LGA)
Identify the various representatives from the different levels of government who look after your community. What responsibilities do they have, especially in terms of the health of your population? These could include the Mayor/Councillors, member of parliament etc. Also, what are the health priority areas currently being addressed by your local government?

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