FMT309 Prevailing Southwest Monsoon conditions over Singapore and the surrounding region happened: Building Diagnostics Tutor-Marked Assignment Two, SUSS

Question 1
Prevailing Southwest Monsoon conditions over Singapore and the surrounding region happened in the first half of July 2023, as projected by the National Environment Agency. Occupiers of a high-rise commercial building (without basement) that you are managing reported water seepage from the building façade glass cladding. As the Facility Manager incharge you are tasked by the building management to conduct a water seepage inspection.

(a) Discuss the scope of water seepage inspection on the building façade glass cladding.
(b) Examine at least FIVE (5) probable causes of water seepage through the façade glass cladding.
(c) Discuss TWO (2) most important principles of waterproofing with at least ONE (1) example for each principle.

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