For Paper/Project # 2, extract a character from one of the texts we’ve studied a

For Paper/Project # 2, extract a character from one of the texts we’ve studied and insert him or her into another. Then, write a 5-6 page essay (double-spaced, typed) in which you argue for a similar or different outcome to the story based on the strengths and challenges that the “inserted” character brings with him or her to the story. This argument will form the central idea, or thesis, or your essay. I’m not looking for you to conduct research into secondary sources or literary criticism for this assignment. Rather, allow a close reading of the two texts to inform your argument, and draw your support from the two primary literary texts themselves. Please follow MLA guidelines to cite quoted passages from the literary texts. Again, as with Paper/Project # 1, none of this should come from research. I’m looking for you to engage with these texts at this very focused level.

Having said all this, the very best (most engaging, rich, and enjoyable) essays/projects result when you choose to write about something that truly catches your attention and interests you. In other words, start with an idea (a word) that engages you and go from there.

Finally, in lieu of a traditional “cover page,” I’d again like you to begin your essay/project with a creative illustration of the mashup you have created. I choose to take the character Beowulf and insert him into Othello. I will attach both links here: one will be the text for Beowulf, and the other will be the film for Othello. Beowulf:…
