For the Spring 2024 AFRS 210 Introduction to Africana Literature course, student

For the Spring 2024 AFRS 210 Introduction to Africana Literature course, students will submit a 7-8 double spaced, final essay based on the following prompt:
Consider how Sundiata is used to decolonize, empower, and liberate minds. In the “Preface” of her text, Transcendence and the Africana Literary Enterprise, Dr. Temple asks how, “can we increase the life chances and life experiences of people of African descent, in particular and of humanity”? (pg. 5). Additionally, in the “Conclusion” she poses an important question for us to consider: “What do we do, after we read?” (pg. 194). Therefore, how do we use literature to improve ourselves, our families, our communities, society in general, and the world, at large?
Students may respond to this prompt using any combination of Africana literatures that have been reviewed this semester to response to the final essay prompt. MINIMALLY, students must include at least 2 different sources (proverbs/poetry/novels/folktales) to contextualize their response.
***Note the following***
This essay is worth 30 points, must be 7-8 double spaced pages, written in Times New Roman, 12point font, with 1 in margins throughout, using Standardized English.
Attached is an outline you can use to help if you’d like.